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❝I'll have a side of beach with my morning coffee.❞ -Unknown


"Hey Airheads!"

"Ohhh... hey Kale."

"What's the latest?"

"Ummm... nothing much... just the usual drag. Chemistry homework. You know."

"Uh... yeah... anything else?"

"Well, I had an essay on Shakespeare's Twelfth Night for English."

"Twelfth Night? Wait, I got this."


"'If music be the food of love, O Aria, play on.'"

"... Was that a reference?"

"Uh, yeah? The lovesick Duke Orsino? My spirit animal?"

"Oh, right. I forgot about that scene."

"'Love sought is good, O Aria, but giv'n unsought is better.'"

"You're reading this off Sparknotes or something, aren't you."

"Nah, I'm reciting from memory."

"It's super obvious."

"'O, when mine eyes did see Olivia first, methought she purged the air of pestilence.'"

"Who's Olivia again?"

"Olivia? Uh... uh... you know, she's that girl who... wait--'A wealthy, beautiful, and noble Illyrian lady, Olivia is courted by Orsino and Sir Andrew Aguecheek, but to each of them she insists that she is in mourning for her brother, who has recently died, and will not marry for seven years.'"

"HA, I caught you. You ARE reading off Sparknotes. Nice try."

"What? Aria-- 'Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight: For I ne'er saw true beauty until this night.'"

"That's from Romeo and Juliet, Kale."

"What. No way."

"Yes way. Also, spoiler alert: everyone dies."

"'More of your conversation would infect my brain.'"

"Excuse me?!"

"I'm sorry! It's from uh... uh... The Comedy of Errors."

"You're a comedy of errors."

"'Get thee to a nunnery.'"

"Good night."

"Farewell, my fair Juliet."

"Bye Hamlet."


sorry for the delay, everyone! here's a little, wacky aria/kale convo so you understand their relationship a little better. don't worry, tinkerbell will be back soon! 

also, a few disclaimers: shakespeare quotes in this chapter come from twelfth night, hamlet, romeo and juliet, and the comedy of errors. the part where kale starts reading a biography of the character olivia from twelfth night actually does come directly from the sparknotes website, so hopefully there's no copyright infringement. 

also, while we're on the topic, let's have a moment of appreciation for sparknotes existing. my lit class thanks you.

and thanks to my readers for your patience and for getting me to 2k votes! any opinions on kale? don't worry, he isn't always this weird haha.

love <3


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