j e t s k i

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❝Sometimes, you just have to ride the wave you're given❞ -Unknown


[ lyndsey | kale ]


"Qui-Gon Lynn."

"Do you have idiotic nicknames for everyone?"

"No. Some of them are actually quite clever."

"Whatever. I need to talk to you. Right now."

"What's going on?"

"This is about Aria Leedman."

"What about her? Is she not taking things well? I thought it was what she wanted."

"Listen to me, Kale Nuthead Bosworth, what exactly did you tell the 'Tinkerbell' dude from the boardwalk about Aria?"

"Tinkerbell? His name's Nicholas. Where exactly did that--"

"Uh, yeah, I don't think he ever told Aria his real name."

"Huh? Wait, what?"

"Forget it. What did you tell Tink--Nicholas--about Aria?"

"I told him that we were... dating?"

"In those words?"

"Dude, how the heck am I supposed to remember?! I think I said she was my girlfriend or something along those lines."

"Did you ever tell him you broke up with her?"

"What, who do you think this guy is, my blood brother? I ordered fruit from him and he asked how Aria was doing. Why would he be concerned with my current relationship status?"

"Because--good grief, Kale--are you always this oblivious? He isn't just Aria's 'friend.'"

"Well how was I supposed to--"

"Because, you idiot, you can just tell when things like this are different. When Aria's entire self-confidence is dangling by a thread because she's so paranoid about losing this boy. When Aria couldn't stick with you because her heart was so wrapped up with this boy. When Aria would lose some of her stress just by talking to this boy--"

"Wait--she stopped liking me because of... Nicholas?"

"I don't think you guys ever were meant to last in a long-term relationship."

"I can't believe this."

"What do you mean?"

"Nicholas told me that Aria had inspired him to be a better person and to work harder to achieve his dreams. He told me that her resolve in life was what awakened him to his own lack of purpose."

"Oh, it's finally starting to sound familiar?"

"I didn't realize this before, but she was about as much of a rock for him as he was for her. They helped each other."

"And--Kale--did Nicholas seem upset at all when you mentioned you were dating Aria?"

"He seemed confused at first and then he hung up out of the blue before calling me back like ten minutes later. After that he seemed pretty chill until we got to talking about Aria, and then once he mentioned how they'd fallen out, he sounded really, really sad. And kinda guilty for some reason. I dunno man, he seemed nice but also kind of a weirdo. I wonder if--"

"Oh, no."


"I'll get back to you. I may have a life or two to save."


a/n: we just hit 4k votes and fine apple's 1 year anniversary was yesterday! i know i promised i'd try to be finished the book by then, but trust me--i'm working nonstop on the last few chapters and i want them to be totally ironed out before i publish them so i can give you guys the best possible story! hang in there; we have six more chapters. special surprise coming up for your next update!!


Fine Apple | ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora