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❝It's impossible to be anxious while listening to reggae.❞ -rightbythebeach, reddit


"Hey Aria, it's Tinkerbell."

"Tinkerbell? No--I--it's you? Really?"

"Yeah, you found me."

"I thought we... weren't talking."

"What do you think we're doing now?"


"Well, duh."

"So, why are you talking to me?"

"Because you called me first, you idiot. Why did you try talking to me?"

"I missed the mangoes."


"Okay, you got me. It was because I couldn't stand not talking to you. Because I missed you like hell. Because the other people in my life just couldn't help me the same way you could."

"I thought you had a guy."

"Asking him to call you was the worst mistake I've made ever since we became friends. Well... second to ever dating him in the first place, I guess."

"Why did you do it?"

"I was selfish. I wanted to find out how you were doing, but I also thought it couldn't hurt to make you jealous. I thought you might try harder to talk to me if you knew there were other guys in my life. Dangling Kale in your face would help with that, I thought. But I was wrong. And I'm sorry."

"Then you don't know me, Aria. Other guys don't make me jealous; they just flat-out scare me away."

"I know that... now. I'm so sorry. For everything."

"Dang, that's a pretty expansive apology. You're gonna need a personal airline to hold that one."

"So, you forgive me?"

"The past is in the past. I missed you too much to stay mad at you. Does that settle it?"

"Aww, Tinkerbell--"

"Hey, I never did tell you my real name, did I?"

"Yes, you did. It's Tinkerbell."

"I mean my other name. I have multiple names. It gets me around easier." 


"That way I can show up in a place where no one knows me and introduce myself as Tinkerbell and no one would know otherwise. And then when weird girls who forget they're holding a phone accidentally call me, I can just tell them my name is Tinkerbell and balance the weirdness."

"Are you serious?"

"No, not at all. Do you even know me?"

"What is your real name then?"

"Let's do this formally. My real name is... drumroll, please..."

"Insert drumroll here."

"Oh that's lame; you sound like you're reading from a script."

"Your real name is..."

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