Chapter four

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Katniss POV

I am washed, plucked, and thrown into makeup.

They cover up all my marks and after they are done, everything I've gone through is gone. I look like I'm me before the first reaping. My hair is done in it's braid and I am put in this reavling green shirt and tight jeans and brown boots.

I pushed into a hallway with all the rebel girls. Annie who is a huge mess, is comforted by Cressida. Who is hugging her while she sobs. Annie recently found out she was pregnant, which is devastating at this point. There is no room for happiness. I would hate to be her.

I stand alone.

"I have a feeling we will see each other again." Johanna says to the group. "We can overcome this." She realizes that no one can hear her over Annie's sobs and backs herself up into the wall.

We are then taken unto stage where a huge crowd awaits. They scream and cheer at us, then the boys come out. Peeta at the head of the line. He looks at me. I try not to cry, really hard. Then I see her, my mother, at the front of the crowd, in chains next to Gale's mom and kids.

Annie is taken by a middle aged man, she screams and cries as she is thrown over a peacekeepers shoulder. Then Cressida, and more.

Then comes Johanna who screams the f bomb at every bider. She is sold to some guy that I wasn't paying attention to. I was to busy playing with my fingers.

My hands are sweating really bad. My eyes almost sting at all of the tears that they are holding in.

I have this fear of Peeta being taken and killed.

Then go the guys, saving me for last.

First goes, the two camera men, which are sold for less then the others.

Gale steps out in front in a black t-shirt and jeans. He looks at me. I glare at him and look away.

"Gale Hawthorne, a soldier, a rebel, a cousin to Katniss Everdeen.." The man describes.

I tune out after the cousin thing, that old lie.

"Bid will start at $70!"

He goes quickly and ends up getting sold to a girl in bright red who looks to be about twenty. After awhile they get to Peeta. They stand him in the front. He wear jeans and plain orange t-shirt.

"Peeta Mellark, lover to Katniss Everdeen. A baker and a painter."

He never takes sugar in his tea.

He always sleeps with the windows open.

He always double knots his shoelaces. 

"We will start the bid at $200." The man with red hair and a sprakly red outfit states.

"$200!" Screams a young woman. Peeta gulps.

"$200 do I hear $400?"

The bid goes up and up and up and up till it stops at $10,00.

"$10,00 going once, going twice.."

"11,00!" I scream. Everyone looks at me. Including Peeta.

"People in the auction our not allowed to bid." He says laughing. Then the whole crowd joins in. I am suddenly mad. They think this is just a fun thing to do on a Saturday afternoon. Not ruining somebody's life.

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