Chapter twenty

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Peeta POV

There's a bright, huge light taking over my sight which was just complete darkness. It's blinding. Nothing hurts, I can't feel anything and I'm at ease. My mind is calm. Not a thought or worry.

I hear a baby's giggle echoing through my head. I see a toddler walking, with the help of their dad. The kid has blonde curls that fall on his face, blue eyes that are filled with life. It's only now when I look deep into the kid's eyes that I realize that the kid is me. He stumbles on his chubby toddler legs. Then I'm in the bakery looking maybe a few years older. I'm sitting at the table with all of my family, my aunts, uncles, and grandparents included. I'm looking at my huge birthday cake, all the layers and time put into it by my dad.

"Well go on Peeta make a wish!" My older brother said smiling. I nodded and took a deep breath and blew them out, my family clapped.

The little girl's hair was in two braids instead of one. She stood on in front of us.

"Go on Katniss, sing it for us." The teacher said smiling and she sang and I knew I was a goner.

I watched her going home every day, every day. I saw myself looking at her from behind a tree.

I saw my mother hitting me for spilling dough everywhere.

"You useless piece of trash!"

I saw myself running down the street jumping over puddles, I ran inside of the Hob. I look to be about twelve. I pushed past people and made my way to the booth. The lady turned to me as I was her only customer. She smiled at me. I put the money I had earned down on the counter and she gave me an art set.

I stood in my room painting Katniss. The door was getting pushed on and I covered up the easel.

I pushed the guy down and I held him there until I heard the busser. A guy pulled me up and I faced the tiny crowd.

"Peeta Mellark! Champion of district 12's wrestling championship!"

"Peeta Mellark!" Effie's voice booms and I see myself making my way to my uncertain future.

"I just don't want them to change me in there," I say turning my face to Katniss who stares at me in awe. "Turn me into something I'm not."

"Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark the winners of the 74th hunger games!" I smile at the crowd as I turn my attention to Katniss in a stunning yellow dress.

I see myself crying in my room on the train back to 12, finding out that it was an act. I through something at the mirror it broke, I fell down against the wall, sobbing. I grabbed a piece of broken glass, staring at my reflection.

There was no need for their to be two winners anyway, it would be easier for Katniss.

But Haymitch came into the room and robbed me of my way out.

"Peeta?" She says looking at me, her hair lit up in the moonlight. "Will you stay with me?"


"The remaining tributes are to be reaped from the existing pool of victors!"

I started sobbing and I ran to Haymitch's house, crying to him to save Katniss.

"Help her in the arena! Like you did last games! Don't waste your time with me Haymitch!"

"Kid, these games are gonna different." He sighed taking a sip of his bottle.

I played with her hair on the rooftop as she fell asleep. I saw the sun was going down and woke her. She smiled at me.

Then she was above me crying her eyes out as I lay on the jungle floor.

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