Chapter eight

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Peeta POV

These last past months have been not easy but I make it through. I go to town with Pinkie every few weeks, she shows me off to everyone, every time she keeps me on a leash. It is very embarrassing. I look for Katniss every time I go, but always end with the same result, nothing. I feel like Pinkie thinks of me as a object, not as a human being. By this point I should feel like one, with my mind cured I never am mentally out of it, which I wish I was.

I sit on the couch now, I gained a lot more freedom over the last free months. I can hang out in the house during the day, I am not just chained to my closet all the time, but I do still sleep in it, even though Pinkie has like four extra rooms just for her pink obsession. Sometimes she even gives me paper to draw. I always draw Katniss. I love to draw her in her MockingJay suit, she just looks so pretty and overall amazing.

I try my best to keep my drawings to myself but sometimes Pinkie catches what I am drawing and then rolls her eyes.

Pinkie always asks her drawing lessons but I always say no. When she asks I say because I don't know how I could explain this stuff to her. I don't know how I draw I just do. When I see something as I beautiful as her, I just draw her, that's it. But she doesn't understand that. She has whipped me for not showing her how before and I just take it. Besides, it doesn't even hurt that much anymore.

Today I am going to a fancy dinner party at Snow's mansion, worried yes. Fearing for my life. Yes.

Pinkie leads me into a shop downtown to find something to wear.




"Maybe.. alright no."

No is all I hear to almost every outfit she has me try on.

She says my curly blonde hair doesn't go with anything, but after hours of searching we settle on a black suit with a basic black bow tie, which is considered very low style here in the Capitol.

We go back to the house and Pinkie runs up to her room in a panic to have the perfect wig while I start a new sketch.

I start picturing Katniss as I saw here in the cell, I use that experssion to but on her face, but then I put her in her MockingJay suit and I can't help but shed a tear at what I have drew. As she comes down the steps I hide the paper under the couch cusion.

I have to hide my laughs as she comes down the steps.

She wears a pink dress with probably seven inch heels. A giant pink bowa wrapped around her neck. Her wig is a giant pink mess and her makeup is dark pink and so are her eyelashes.

She smiles at me.

"Oh Peeta don't I look pretty?"

"Um.. yeah."

We arrive at the mansion, it's buzzing with people. Everyone says hi to me or gives me awful glances, one of the two. Some even ask for pictures, forcing me into a hug or fake smile.

"So what was it like to find out that Katniss was a cause of such destruction?"

"Do you still love her?"

"Where's the baby?"

Are just some of the many questions that get asked to me during the night.

The guests slam down that sick juice and then they soon run to the bathroom, back with a smile on their face ready to try more food.

I dance with many people, moslty people trying to get me to kiss them or worse.

I hate this, I hate this.

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