Chapter six

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Katniss POV

The far off city is busying with activity, even at this late hour. Cars, buses and people roam the streets, where they are going I don't know. All I wish is to be one of them, not trapped here. I want to be on the streets with Peeta. Anywhere but here. I roll the pearl against my mouth. The cold surface sending a chill threw my body. I realize my foot has fallen asleep so I shake it quietly so that I will not wake up Johanna. If I do she will probably yell at me to get off the window seat and go to bed. But I can't sleep. I can't. I am to worried about Peeta to sleep. I sigh and lean back on the wall causing my arm to hit a vase on the side table. It crashes to the floor and Johanna sits up.

"Brainless what did you do this time?!?!" She says rubbing her eyes. She looks at the clock, which reads 3:43AM. She then glares at me.

"Katniss why are awake now?!"

"I can't sleep!"

"While try to be quieter about it!"

I then feel sick.

I run to the bathroom and puke, barely making it to the toielt.

Johanna follows me.

"Dang it Katniss there could be something seriously wrong with you."

"I'm fine, I am sure it was just something I ate."

"Katniss no, bad food would never cause this."

"Then what else could be?" I say wiping off my mouth and flushing the toeilt.

She stands there for a moment, she then is about to say something when she shakes her head at herself.

I feel sick again and go to puke, this time not making it, so I make due with a trash can.

After I am done I feel dizzy and try to stand up but fall, Johanna catching me.

"I want Peeta.." I cry.

"Oh boy." She sighs.

I start sobbing and Johanna sits me on the side of the bathtub. She goes to leave.

I am so dizzy and dilerous I don't know what is happening.

"You gonna get Peeta?" I ask wiping my eyes. She looks at me and just sighs. Then she leaves the room.

She returns a few minutes later with Mr. Chanter.

"Come on Katniss we are going to the hosptial."

"No!" I cry. "I want Peeta!"

Mr. Chanter looks at Johanna who shrugs. Mr. Chanter picks me up and carries me outside and lays me in the back of his car. Johanna sits next to me. He starts the car and starts to drive. Now that I am less dizzy I realize more of what is going on. I look out the window to look more at the city.

We pull up to the E.R as it reads, two doctors run out and grab me and pull me inside. They lay me in a hosptial bed and soon Johanna and Mr. Chanter sit across the room from me.

I realize that Johanna is not in her PJ's anymore, but I am. I pull the sheets up to my neck.

The doctor comes in. He has faded dark green hair. He has a darker skin tone, but his teeth hurt my eyes.

"What seems to be going on here?" He asks.

"She won't stop puking." Johanna says.

"We are worried about her." Mr. Chanter says.

"Hmm, while we would need to do a blood test." He says. He presses a button on his wrist watch.

"Get cart E to room #343."

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