Chapter twelve

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Wattpad was being weird and published the chapter after this without my consent. Please read this chapter.

Katniss POV

I play with the soup in my bowl not wanting to eat.

"Katniss, you have to eat something." Mr. Chanter persits.

"I'm just not hungry." I respond. My neck feels cold due to the fact that I am still not use to having short hair.

I pick up my glass of water and and drink it slowly.

Suddenly the projector turns on and it's a reporter and right next to her is a picture of Peeta Mellark.


The glass in my hand goes crashing to the ground, as the words next to it say in bold letters,


I gasp. My hand covers my mouth and my heart skips a beat.

"Are you alright?" Mr. Chanter asks as Johanna picks up my glass. Johanna points to the projector in complete and utter confusion.

"He's missing!?" I breathe covering my mouth.

"I left Peeta alone for a few days and.."

I take in every single word. Peeta Mellark has gone missing. Nobody knows were he is. Not even me.

"Where could he be?"

"Heading for the hills I'm guessing." Johanna laughs.

"You really think?" I question her words.

"Well it's bread boy I'm sure he wouldn't leave you."

I stand up from the table almost falling over do to the extra weight from the baby.

I stumble backwards and Johanna catches me.

"Be careful brainless!" She says helping me up.

I've noticed that I have gained weight but not much, like it's noticeable but I just look like I'm really fat, not pregnant. the doctor said the baby is perfectly heathy though.

I get back to my feet I put my bowl in the sink and walk back out.

"Katniss I want that bathroom spotless before one." Mr. Chanter says looking at his newspaper.

"Yes sir." I respond tying my apron around my waist. I then get my gloves and cleaning stuff.

"Then when you finish that I want you to clean the kitchen."

I nod.

"Johanna I want the barn out back clean and the chicken coop."

She nods and heads outside as I head up to the bathroom.

I start to clean the floor when my mind wanders to Peeta.

Where is he?

Is he alright?

Is he coming for me?

I don't know where he is.

I get up from the floor, seeing my reflection in the wet floor.

I don't know the girl looking back at me.

But I guess that was the point.

I clean the shower as fast as I can then the toilet and the sinks.

I head down the steps as fast I can and run into the kitchen and see the other maids eating.

"Woah Katniss in a hurry there?" The head maid asks laughing at me.

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