Chapter nineteen

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Katniss POV

"Hold her still!" The voice rings in my ears.

"Katniss go! Get out of here go!"

I'm swinging my arms out to defend myself from the people, I feel the ground moving around me and the bright lights shining through my closed eyelids.

"What are you doing? Go!"

"Shutup and keep her quiet!" Someone screams and I feel someone put something over my mouth.

"We need some help over here!" A voice says from a distance. I hear all the people around me leave.

"Peeta!" Familiar voice screams.

"Peeta?" I scream through whatever is covering my mouth. "Peeta!" I say reaching my arms to try to grab him from the danger that we are now in. "LEAVE HIM ALONE!"

I feel a jab in my side and go to choke the person but my hands fall to my sides as I plunge into darkness.

I'm falling through the darkness trying to reach Peeta who is extending his arm to me, trying to pull me back to safety.

Everything around me is black except for Peeta's figure which is lit up by whatever he is standing on above me.

I reach my arm out to try to stop myself from falling and grab the edge of the black wall. I'm hanging on tightly with my right arm. My legs dangling, Peeta's yelling out to me. I go to place my left arm on the edge when I hear a baby cry. I look down to see my left arm holding a baby. It cries and Peeta is still yelling something to me. My hand is slipping, I try my best to hold on but it's no use. It slips.

I'm falling fast, holding tightly on to the crying baby. Suddenly the baby is ripped from my arms and I hear it's crying echo. I hear Snow's evil laughter and Peeta's screams.

My body has a soft landing with the water. I swim up to the top, reaching my right hand out to try to break the surface when I look at my hand. It's tinted red. I look around me, everything is. I open my mouth to taste and am I horrified when I realized Its blood. Someone grabs my leg and pulls me down, I'm trying to free myself only to make it worse.

"I thought we agreed, never to lie to each other, oh my dear Miss. Everdeen.. so unfortunate." Snow says and I see Peeta and my baby tied down at the bottom of the sea struggling to breathe.

"Let them go." I try to say but my mouth is filled with blood and I try to get to them but I can't. I never can.

I hear voices, some near, some far. I can't make out what they are saying, I just hear muffles. My sight is beyond blurry, I can't make out a single thing but the brightness of the lights above me. The smell of blood is in the air, it's a heavy scent but it's deafened by the smell of sterilizer.

I'm so sick I don't even bother to try to figure out where I am.

Beep, beep, beep.

All I can register is that my head hurts, horrible.

Beep, beep, beep.

I start choking, there is something reaching deep in my throat.

I can't make out what is going on but the thing is removed and I'm asleep again as someone must have drugged me.

I wake up four times after that and I can't make out anything but the pain, then they make me fall back asleep.

I slowly open my eyes to see a blurry room, it's a different room, I can tell from the shapes of it. I rub my eyes to reveal that my right arm seems to be connected to tons of tubes and wires. I look down to see I'm in a light blue hospital gown, my stomach raising out of it.

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