Chapter eighteen

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Peeta POV 

Her eyes are like a soft thunderstorm, the clouds have gathered into a mass of gray and are pouring down rain at a soft rate, her eyes are like that now as she gazes at me, she can't tell but I'm giving her my smile that she loves so much. My gag rejects that smile pushing my lips back together after a matter of seconds.

I'm very sick, dark, red blood is falling lightly from the cuts on my body to form a pool of blood around my knees.

The other rebels have similar problems. As all of us have major wounds, our blood leaks onto the pavement mixing together in the middle.

My name is Peeta Mellark.

I'm from district 12.

I was in the hunger games. I won along said Katniss Everdeen, my love.

I went into the games a second time and was captured by the Capitol and hijacked.

My family died in the bombing of district 12, it was not Katniss's fault.

I was rescued by district 13 and sent to the war later.

The rebels did not win and I was captured by the Capitol again along with all the victors and some of the rebels.

Katniss told me she loved me and is pregnant with my child.

We were sold at an auction and tried to escape but failed and were sentenced to death.

Katniss is going to kill me to save our child.

I will die knowing the correct information, I will not die in an attack, Peeta Mellark will not. Peeta Mellark will die with some dignity.

I sigh and look up at her, she's talking to the head peacekeeper as he is pointing to an armband around her right upper arm.

I squeeze my eyes shut and reopen them.

Nope, it's not just me, my hijack venom and that stuff they dropped in my cuts must be mixing together. The pain is unbearable and my sight seems to have a yellow tent to it.

Katniss turns toward me. Tears are streaming down my face I know notice, due to the pain. I might die before Katniss's arrow can get to me.

I don't want to leave Katniss alone, I don't want to leave our child alone. But I'm in so much pain right now I just want it to end.

I let out a loud sob and Johanna looks at me. Her eyes tell me all I need to know.

She's feeling the same way.

Annie doesn't want to leave her child either, her child was born when she was with her owner and peacekeepers came to take it as soon as she was done giving birth.

I'm sobbing now as Katniss mouths something to me.

"I'm right here." She mouths to me. "You're not alone."

I wish I could tell her how much her words mean to me.

Soon they are all aiming at us, I've never seen so many tears come at once. I don't understand how Katniss can see right now.

"I love you." She mouths to me. I'm sorry."

It's okay Katniss. It's okay.


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