Chapter seventeen

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Katniss POV

I try to think of a world in which children play happly in the woods not a care in the world. A place where the birds sing and it's carefree. There's no reaping or games. Where the brooke whistles with the hum of the water. Where children play hide and seek, not needing to hide from a killer that could be watching them from afar, waiting to make the move. Not seeing your friend die right in front of you not being able to do anything but watch. No worries. Just a carefree place.

Why do I think like this?

It will never exist, and even if it does I won't be able to see it.

When I die, the rebels will not stop fighting. My death will add more flame. I hope. I hope Peeta and I don't die in vain and someone avenges us.

I hope that Snow will be brought down to his knees begging for mercy, something we didn't get.

He will cry, and beg for his life but it's something we didn't get, so many children didn't get, so why should he?

My white gloves are cold against my sweaty, warm hands. I feel them place the white quiver on my back.

One arrow is in the quiver, in the event I miss, someone behind me will hand me another.

They don't trust me enough to give me my bow yet, which I understand, even the one arrow is wrapped in some plastic stuff to keep me from stabbing someone.

I can't stop thinking about the way Peeta will look when my arrow penetrates his body.

Will blood pour from his mouth?

Will his eyes roll back into his head?

Will I be able to see him like that, will I rush to his aid?

I'm in the place where the chariots for the tribute parade where kept. The peacekeepers and I will be taken down to the end of the road where Snow will be standing in his normal place.

I'm helped onto my own chariot by the neon lady, she takes my oxygen mask and reminds me not to cry.

I nod, knowing that I will cry, but it useless telling her that.

She handcuffs me to the railing of the chariot like I would jump off and run to Peeta's assistants.

My horse starts going, as I'm the last one after the peacekeepers.

The stands are filled to the point some are standing at the very top. When they see me, they throw stuff, unlike last time they aren't roses, they are trash. Nothing hits me though, just nearly misses. They boo me and taunt me but I try to keep together. I really could use the oxygen mask now.

I'm going to have to kill Peeta in a number of minutes.

His heart will stop.

His eyes will close.

His life will be over.

All due to me.

When the chariot stops and my handcuffs are undone. I get off and nearly fall when I see them.

The rebels are knelled on the ground with the hands tied behind their backs. Their mouths tied tightly shut with a white cloth. They are dressed in their white jumpsuits only they look like they've been washed. They all look worse than the last time I saw them, blood dripping through the bright white fabric.

There is so many of them they are arched in a circle, then I see him. Peeta in the middle. He looks the worst out of them all. He has a tear-stained face. He's next to Johanna and Gale. Annie next to Johanna and Cressida next to Gale. Camera crews rush by me to set up. The head peacekeeper guides me to a table where another Peacekeeper hands me my bow. Of course, it's white. I look up at the cloudy sky trying to find an answer. The peacekeeper starts up my armband and explains what it will do if I misbehave, I just nod. He unwraps the plastic that my arrow is in and places it back in my quiver.

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