Wardrobe Malfunction

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Stef spent half of the morning unpacking all of the clothes Dominic brought her. They were way to bipolar for her taste. Some were really nice and things that she would wear. Like a nice pairs of jeans, cute skirts, plain dresses like the one she wore when he picked her up yesterday and really cute sandals. Then when she got to the pink boxes...she was floored at what she saw. He was literally trying to make her dress like a whore! She couldn't believe some of the stuff he bought her. The skirts were so short she couldn't imagine sitting down in them. The shirts were so low cut she could basically wear her bra and be fine! She had thought about confronting him a few times but then thought that was a bad idea.

He was in a bad mood....well more than a bad mood then what he usually is in. She didn't know him for that long so she really had no idea how the regular Dominic acted. She hoped that maybe the whole mean heartless guy was an act and he was actually a cool person, but as far as she knew, he was a cold demon.

Stef wiped the sweat from her brow as she looked at the last two box she had to unpack. She was so glad, she was finally done. She just hoped that Dominic would hull all of the cardboard boxes out. She was spent and it was only ten in the morning! She reached for the box and sliced it open with the box cutter. She pushed all of the little 'Styrofoam Cheetos' out of the box and her jaw dropped to the floor.

She was sure she was as red as an apple. He had bought her an entire... box of lingerie. Victoria's Secret to be exact. She didn't even know what to think. One thing she knew for sure is that he sure as heck didn't know her bra size or underwear size so they were all probably to big.

Biting her bottom lip, she checked to see if the door was closed. She took a deep breath and slipped off her night shirt quickly. Then her old white bra she had for about a year. She slipped on the black lacy one with pink frillies all over and then looked at the mirror directly across from her. She gaped at herself. "Whoa," she said while turning to the side and sizing herself up. "Perfect," she said while something suddenly dawned on her. How did he know her bra size?

A phase of anger washed over her and she quickly slipped back into her night shirt and stomped off to find the creep. "Dominic!" She called around the house as her feet seemed to know where to take her. She walked downstairs and headed to the kitchen, smelling food.

"Dominic how do you know my bra size!?" She said pretty loudly as she walked into the kitchen. She stopped dead in her tracks as she saw Dominic and another man. He was definitely older, and had to be related to Dominic  somehow. With the cold look he was giving her there was no way there weren't related some how.

They both were looking at her, but there was a difference in stares. The older guy's gaze was hungry and Dominic's was angry. "Sorry for trying to surprise you with some new gifts kitten," he said while he seemed to be summoning her with his eyes. She hesitantly walked over to him while smiling falsely at the other man. Dominic put his hand around her waist and pulled her close to him. He was surprisingly really warm and there wasn't an ounce of softness that she felt. He was all muscle. Well..from her limited contact to his side! 'Anthony this is my fiance Stef. Stef meet my Uncle, Anthony."

His long hand reached over the counter and he held it out for her. She took it and shook it stiffly as she muttered a hi. He squeezed her hand a little to much, before he let go. "Well it's an honor to meet the woman whose getting my nephew to settle down. You are a beauty aren't you?" he said while his eyes wandered down her body. She felt herself surprisingly leaning into Dominic. She honestly didn't know why. They both looked like they could be the same amount of crazy!

"Yeah, and she's all mine," Dominic said a bit to cold, to be talking to an older member of his family. She felt his hold onto her hip a bit firmer and tried to hide her gasp of surprise. "So anyway. Anthony I'll see you later at Tony's place, ok?

Anthony nodded. "Oh yes. The great meeting. Where the women rip anything with limbs apart verbally and the men do physically. This is your first time going to a meeting right? Twice a month."

She stared at 'Uncle Anthony' wide eyed as he said. All she heard was women and rip limbs apart. She wanted her limbs! "It's going to be her first time. You should know...anyway like I said before. I'll see you later," Dominic said while his Uncle seemed to be getting the memo that Dominic didn't want him in the house anymore.

"Ah...right. You almost newly weds have things to discuss," he said while wiggling his eyebrows. Stef honestly wanted to throw up. She knew what he meant and that was so no what they were going to do. That wasn't happening. Ever. "Anywho. I'll let myself out. Nice meeting you Estefania."

As soon as the two heard the door close shut they let go of each other. "You know you should really see if anyone's in the house before coming out looking like that," he said while eyeing her up and down. He actually looked repulsed.

She wasn't even exposing anything! She didn't think a tank top and a pair of fairly decent shorts was bad. "Wait...you mean I look horrible or I look...like..like a um harlot?" She asked while he gave her a confusing look.

"What the hell is a harlot? I mean don't come down here in those clothes."

"Harlot is like...an old term for..whore. Why not?"

He was staring at her like she was crazy but she didn't care. She never cursed. Well there was a few times...but not every day like Taliah."Because your damn shape and everything. Just don't," he snapped. She glared at him. What that supposed to mean? She had no idea! Was he calling her fat or..saying she had a nice figure? Or no figure?

She sighed, "I didn't come down here to argue or anything. I just wanted to ask some questions. Like where am I supposed to put my old clothes...? And how do you know the sizes to my undergarments?" She asked him angrily.

He chuckled. "Your old clothes go in the garbage, and that's not a question I have to answer, as long as they fit. It obviously fits," he said while staring at her chest. She scoffed and glared at him covering her chest. She could not believe he looked at her like that! "What? You know these bras do you justice. Your other ones made you sag."

"How would you know?!" She said hotly. She was so angry now. Did he stare at her chest all the time or was it just a light skim over? He just called her saggy! Girls don't like being called saggy. She knew she shouldn't care what he thought, but she did because if he thought that other people would think that.

Before he could respond, his phone began ringing. "Get dressed...and wear a dress too," he ordered her as he picked it up. "Alright...did you show him I'm not playing?" he questioned as he turned around and glared at her. She acted as if she was going somewhere but she hid behind a wall. "Still not answering? Fine. Start with the nails. That doesn't work, I'll come by..and that won't be a good thing. Alright. "

Stef's mouth was wide open. She wondered who was on the other line. She had an idea who it could be. The creep who was observing everything she did in the car the other day. Whoever was on the other line she didn't want to get on their bad side. Neither did she want to get on Dominics. He was calling the shots...


How'd you guys like this chapter? It was short but I hope you guys enjoy! I'm still trying to figure out if they should actually go to the tea party or should something bad happen, like she really gets to see the dark side of Dominic... OK anyway please vote or comment!

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