Lust, Disgust and Mistrust

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"No arguing," Stef stammered out biting her bottom lip as Dominic attacked her neck with his warm mouth.

"No arguing," he agreed as his kisses traveled backup to her lips. Which Dominic wasn't prone to doing. AT all. Which made her mind start reeling.

Stef didn't know whether to say anything back or keep on making out. She obviously chose the one where she didn't have to speak.

She gasped when he grabbed her butt and slipped his tongue into her mouth. He had a strong grip on her, not letting her even pull a way for a second. She shivered as his tongue expertly explored her mouth. All she knew is that his kissing was different and she was only a woman with such a small resolve...

As they kissed, Stef hadn't realized that he was slowly backing them up to the bed. She did however realize when he gently pushed her down on the bed, making her fall with a yelp.

Stef didn't even have time to think about it because as soon as she landed, Dominic was on top of her.

Their mouths connected the instant he hovered over her. Stef's mind was swimming as his hand was slowly preoccupied by feeling her body. Making her shiver at where he was touching her.

She took in a sharp breath as she felt Dominic's hand travel up her thigh. She had a skirt on and instantly was regretting her decision. He was eying her, staring her down and she was feeling a little more than self conscious. "W...what?" She asked as she felt heat rush to her face.

"Open your legs," he breathed against her neck as he sucked gently at a certain spot that made her forget what he just recently did! Stef shook her head and pushed his hand away. It just wasn't right. She couldn't do it. Not after what he did..."What?" It was his turn to ask what was wrong.

She sighed. "I physically can't do this Dominic, after what you did...and...and if you get mad at me then it just proves that you're a heartless murdering pig headed-"

"-I'm not forcing you to do shit. I'm not mad," he said sounding annoyed that she called him a 'heartless murdering pig.' He sat up glaring at her like she punched him. She was annoyed now! They could keep making out! She was all for that!

She shrugged and looked at him. She didn't know what to do now. "We can kiss again...if you want but I just can't. You just killed two people."

Dominic acted as if he was trying not to laugh and that kind of annoyed Stef a little more. "You act like we're teenagers-"

"You forget that I'm eighTEEN, differing from your 24 you pedophile!" She shot back as he looked at her like he actually thought she meant it. "This could so be considered as statuary rape...or coercion...or-"

"-I didn't do anything," He snapped angrily, as she felt like her lungs were going to burst from holding in the laughter for to long. Maybe she was laughing because she actually thought Dominic would force her...or because she was still messed up from witnessing two murders...or maybe because she thought she was messed up for really wanting to have sex with him. Either way...she still felt pretty messed up."And you're eighteen, you're legal."

She stopped laughing a little and wiped the tears from her eyes. "I was kidding, ok? I'm not ready for sex and that's...that's..something you have to deal with. You forced me into this situation and everything else but sex is the one thing you aren't going to pressure me into, Dominic Moretti." He nodded his head and she was so shocked and confused she went on, on her rampage. "I'm a virgin and my v card is something special not to be given to a guy who can't control what lurks in his pants, and I don't want STDS and to have a baby before I'm ready or-"

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