Surprise pt 2

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Stef looked at herself in the mirror. She was wearing a cute short green dress that came down to just above her knees and a small pair of heels. She could hear some of the people arriving and she tried to hurry the process of curling her dark strands. Once she was done with her hair she slapped some lip gloss and eye make up and smiled. She thought she looked okay. Hopefully she didn't look crazy.

She was nervous! What if he came late...or didn't come at all? All of it would be for nothing! And what if no one that he liked came? She hoped at least cousin Gio would come. She knew Dominic would be happy. No bad thoughts," she told herself as she opened the bathroom door and headed downstairs where everyone was.

Once she was in the living room, she smiled. Everyone was either drinking or eating appetizers. She noticed some familiar faces. Dominic's dad, uncle Anthony, Tony and Emmy, and of course Wren. He was speaking to some old woman. She grabbed a glass of champagne from a waiter and was quickly waved over by Wren.

"Aunt Elise this is Dominic's fiancé, Estefania. Stef this is my moms sister, Aunt Elisa."

The old woman smiled brightly at her and stuck out a soft and wrinkled hand. "You are a beautiful young lady. I'm sure you will be good for my stubborn nephew. It is so nice to meet you," she said.

"It's nice to meet you to ma'am. Thank you so much for coming. I know it was short of notice-"

"-nonsense. If anyone can get him out of this no celebrating rut it should be the person he loves, should it not?" Aunt Elisa asked as Stef felt a tad guilty. Here this sweet old woman thought that she and Dominic were in love and that was a complete and utter lie. "Now about the wedding-"

"-Elise! I see you met Dominic's little drunk," a deep voice said as she felt a arm sling around her naked shoulders. She swiftly slipped out of Dominic's dads hold. "Still have a hangover?" He asked her while laughing a bit.

She tried not to roll her eyes. "No sir. That was a mistake. Didn't realize how much I was taking in," she said sweetly as he laughed loudly again. Everyone apparently looked annoyed by his presence.

"You know my son won't like this one bit. Good idea but it won't do. No at all. In surprised Wren didn't have second thoughts. His funeral."

"Hey Uncle F! I hear Tony needs to talk to you about something real important.! You better get to him before Uncle A gets to him," she heard a feminine voice say behind her. She watched Dominic's dad begin to sprint away and she turned around, seeing Emmy. She had a small black dress and a drink in her hand. "The way to get rid of him as talk about his brother. They go at each other's throats constantly. So funny," she said as Stef laughed a bit.

"Thanks for doing that," she said as the woman nodded and threw back her entire drink. Stef looked at her wide eyed. She could really drink.

"I love my alcohol. Don't judge me. Tony's trying to get pregnant and we aren't even married yet. I'm just trying to get all my drinking in before I actually get freakin pregnant," she said annoyingly as Stef thought that was cute.

"Oh that's cute! He wants kids, and Dominic thinks we're going to have a lot of kids," she told her as she thought back towards the day when he told Sonya she'll have more mouths to feed soon.

Emmy burst into laughter. "These guys are so special. They don't even like kids! I swear. One of their cousins came down from NY and she had twins. She gave him and Dominic one each and they were just staring at the baby's like they were foreign objects. Then the one Dominic was holding starts crying then Tonys. Then they both ditched the babies in Wrens arms."

Stef had to laugh. She could just imagine the two cousins! Sitting awkwardly with babies in hand. Well, she could imagine Tony. Not Dominic. "They want us to pop out the babies and raise them."

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