Chapter 2: The Ocean

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Kimi and Moana made it to the shore and looked at the water. It seemed to draw them in the closer they got. Then two conch shells appeared and they went to get them until they heard crows cawing. They turned to see crows circling a trapped baby turtle. The sisters looked at it with pity then back at the shells.

"Let's help him," Kimi urged.

Moana agreed and she grabbed a palm leaf. Kimi approached the little turtle as Moana held the leaf above him.

"It's okay, little guy. We're here to help you," she said soothingly.

The turtle slowly stepped out from his shelter as Moana shielded him. Kimi shooed away the crows as they approached the sea. The little guy made it and the girls waved to him.

That's when they heard something come from the sea. It sounded mysterious, especially when it parted and revealed two shells. Moana and Kimi walked up and grabbed them. Then the ocean continued to part and they were given more shells. They even saw the turtle they helped with its mother and they waved at him again. Then the ocean came up and looked at the girls curiously. They reached up to it and water lightly squirted them, making them giggle. It even made their hair tall like a flower stem.

Then they saw something small, oval-shaped, and glowing green float towards them. Moana grabbed it and looked at it curiously.

"The heart of Te Fiti. Beautiful," Kimi whispered, in which Moana nodded in agreement.

"Moana! Kimi!" Tui shouted.

The water quickly fixed the girls' hair back to normal then got them back to the shore. In the process, Moana dropped the heart back in the water as Tui came around the corner and ran to the girls.

"Oh, there you are. What are you two doing? You scared me," Tui replied, hugging his girls.

"But we wants to go back," Moana responded.

"Yeah, Papa. We love the water," Kimi added.

"I know, I know, but you don't go out there. It's dangerous," Tui remarked.

The girls looked at the water. No matter what their father said, they still wanted to go out on the ocean to see what it has to offer.

"Moana, Kimi, come on...Let's go back to the village," Tui urged.

They went back and Tui had Tala take Moana back home while he took Kimi into the village. Sina approached the two of them.

"You are the next great chief of our people," Tui told her.

"And you'll do wondrous things, my little minnow," Sina chuckled as she lifted her child in the air then kissed her cheek.

"Oh yes, but first, you must learn where you're meant to be," Tui instructed.

As if on cue, music filled the air and villagers started harmonizing as Tui and Sina took Kimi there.

Kimi, make way, make way
Kimi, it's time you knew
The village of Motunui is all you need
The dancers are practicing
They dance to an ancient song
(Who needs a new song? This old one's all we need)
This tradition is our mission
And Kimi, there's so much to do
(Make way)
Don't trip on the taro root, that's all you need
We share everything we make
(We make)
We joke and we weave our baskets
The fishermen come back from the sea

I wanna see

Don't walk away
Kimi, stay on the ground now
Our people will need a chief and there you are

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