Chapter 21: Maui's Past

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"What can I say, except we're dead soon. We're dead soon," Maui sang hopelessly as they continued to sail.

"Can you at least try?" Kimi asked as her hair blew in the wind.

He looked at her then went, "Giant hawk."

He touched his hook but turned into anything but his hawk form.

"Hey, it's's okay. We're dead soon," he continued.

"Alright, break time's over. Get up," Moana urged.

"Why? Are you two gonna give me a speech? Tell me I could beat Te Kā cause I'm ... 'Maui'?" he asked, putting air quotes around his name.

Mini Maui elbowed him, making Maui sit up.

"Take a hike, Tiny," he said, flicking his tattoo self on his back.

Moana and Kimi looked at his tattoo of a woman casting a baby to the ocean.

"How do you get your tattoos?" Moana asked.

"They show up when I earn them," Maui answered.

"How did you earn that one? What's that for?" she wondered, indicating the one the girls were looking at.

"That's a man's discovery of Nanya," Maui replied.

"What's Nanya?" Moana asked.

"Nanya business," Maui said.

"I'll just keep asking. What's it for?" Moana pushed, poking him with the oar.

"Moana, don't," Kimi warned.

"You need to stop doing that," Maui remarked.

But Moana lightly patted his bun with the oar, determined to get an answer.

"Back off," Maui warned.

"Just tell me what it is," Moana commanded.

"I said 'back off'," Maui stated.

"Is it why your hook's not working?" Moana asked.

He threw her off the boat and Kimi rolled her eyes. She walked to the edge of the boat and helped Moana up. Maui sat on the other end of the boat.

"Moana, he doesn't like to talk about his past. Take it from a girl who's tried. No matter how curious I am, I've respected that and you should too," Kimi explained.

"You know how stubborn I am. You are too," Moana pointed out.

Kimi groaned and Moana walked a little towards Maui.

"You don't wanna talk? Don't talk. You wanna throw me off the boat? Throw me off. You wanna tell me I don't know what I'm doing? I know I don't. I have no idea why the ocean chose me. You're right. Kimi is the obvious choice for this. But our island is dying. So we are here. It's just us and you. And we want to help. But we can't, if you don't let us," Moana said.

"I will admit that I've been curious about this as well. But I wanted to wait until you were ready to talk about it. So, whenever you're ready, we will be here to listen," Kimi added.

At first, there was silence, making the girls sigh. They about dropped it until Maui spoke up.

"I wasn't born a demigod. I had human parents. They, uh, they took one look and decided they did not want me. They threw me into the sea. Like I was nothing. Somehow I was found by the Gods. They gave me the hook. They made me...Maui. And back to the humans I went. I gave them islands, fire, coconuts. Anything they could want," he explained.

"You took the heart for them," Kimi realized.

"You did everything for them. So they'd love you," Moana finished.

"It was never enough," Maui replied sadly.

Kimi and Moana came up to him and sat on either side of him.

"Maybe the Gods found you for a reason. Maybe the ocean brought you to them because it saw someone who was worthy of being saved. But the Gods aren't the ones who make you Maui. You are," Moana remarked.

Maui looked at her as she got up. But he faced Kimi when she took his hand.

"I'm sorry about what happened to you. But you know that you didn't have to do any of that stuff to get people to appreciate you. Because we do. I do," she smiled then kissed his cheek.

She got up and left a very stunned Maui. He placed his hand to his cheek where Kimi kissed him and smiled. Then he felt Mini Maui hug him.

"Okay, okay. I-- I love you too, buddy," he chuckled.

He reached for his hook, breathed deeply, then held it proudly as he smirked. The two girls smiled.

The next day, they practiced. First, Mini Maui and Kimi turned into bugs. Maui did the same successfully and cheered until Heihei ate him. Kimi turned to herself and gasped with Moana until Maui turned back into himself with Heihei on his finger. Then Mini Maui and Kimi turned into lizards and Maui did the same thing. Heihei was on his back and he threw him into the ocean. He smirked at the girls as Moana just smirked back and got Heihei back and Kimi giggled. He and Kimi jumped into the water and came out a shark and dolphin then a hawk and eagle. They flew around for a while then Kimi went back to the boat as herself.

"Yeah!" Kimi and Moana cheered.

Then Maui turned into a whale and splashed them. He turned back to himself and high-fived Moana, did his handshake with Mini Maui, and hugged Kimi.

Then Heihei fell in the ocean, which put the chicken in a basket, slammed it shut, put the basket in the cargo hold, and slammed the lid on it. The others just laughed at that.

"Next stop, Te Fiti," Moana said, giving Maui the oar.

He just smiled and returned it. She gladly took it back and sailed the boat. Maui and Kimi would help her with anything she needed and they were off to Te Fiti.


A/N This is awesome! Moana learned how to sail, Maui is shape shifting perfectly, and he and Kimi have sparks flying! I'm loving it!

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