Chapter 23: Te Kā

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Fireballs shot at Maui, but he dodged them with ease. Then Te Kā appeared and smacked Maui, making him turn back.

"Maui!" Kimi and Moana shouted.

Moana prepared the boat and Kimi jumped into the water as a dolphin. Maui got the heart then his hook, turning into his hawk again. But he was smacked into the water. He got the heart back and when Kimi found him as a fish, she swam to him and helped him back on the boat. They turned back to their human forms and Moana and Kimi aided Maui as he panted hard. Moana had noticed that when Te Kā went into the water, she shrieked in pain and when she saw an opening, she steered the boat toward it.

"What-- What are you doing?" Maui asked.

"Finding you a better way in," Moana answered.

He looked to see Te Kā wasn't that far away from the opening Moana was aiming for. Kimi shook her head to tell him she didn't think it would work. Maui agreed with her.

"We won't make it!" Maui said.

"Yes, we will!" Moana insisted.

"Turn around!" Kimi yelled.

"No!" Moana shouted.

"Moana, stop!" Maui screamed.

"No!" Moana disagreed.

Then Te Kā attacked and Maui blocked it with his hook. They were sent flying as Moana held onto the boat and Maui did the same and held Kimi close.

Once they were on clear waters, Moana got up and checked on Heihei. Then she saw Kimi grasping her arm in pain.

"Kimi, what's wrong?" Moana asked.

Kimi revealed that she had a huge gash that was inflamed on her arm. Moana gasped and quickly got some medicine she packed and some cloth. She dabbed the medicine on, which stung, and she wrapped it up. Then they looked at Maui, who had his back turned to the girls.

"Are you okay? Maui?" Moana asked.

He turned around to reveal a crack in his hook. Kimi and Moana gasped softly.

"We told you to turn back," Maui told the youngest sister.

"I thought we could make it," Moana said.

"'We'?" Maui questioned harshly.

"I thought I could make it," Moana confessed sadly.

Kimi sighed, knowing that what Moana did was wrong then sat in silence.

"We can fix it," Moana said with hope.

"It was made by the Gods. You can't fix it," Maui stated.

"Next time I'll be more careful. Te Kā was stuck on the barrier islands. It's lava. It can't go on the water. We can find a way around," Moana explained.

"I'm not going back," Maui replied.

Kimi looked at him, confused. Then she stood up to face him.

"What-- we still have to restore the heart," she remarked.

"My hook is cracked. One more hit and it's over," he said.

"Maui, you have to restore the heart," Moana told him.

"Without my hook, I am nothing," Maui replied.

"That's not true," Kimi disagreed.

"Without my hook, I am nothing!" Maui shouted at her.

He dropped the heart at their feet and walked to the end of the boat. Kimi retrieved the heart and held it in her hand.

"We are only here because you stole the heart in the first place," Moana snapped.

Kimi looked at her with a disappointed look.

"No, we're here because the ocean told you that you two were special and you believed it," Maui shot back.

Now Kimi looked at Maui with the same look.

"We are Moana and Kimi of Motunui. You will board our boat," Moana recited.

"Goodbye, Moana. Goodbye, Kimi," Maui told them.

"Sail across the sea," Moana continued.

"I'm not killing myself so you can prove you're something you're not!" Maui shouted.

"And restore the heart of Te Fiti!" Moana finished.

"The ocean chose us," Kimi said, holding the heart out.

"It chose wrong," Maui replied.

He turned into his hawk form and flew away. But not without Kimi attaching her note to his feathers.

"Maui!" they shouted.

But he didn't look back. Moana gently took the heart from Kimi as she sensed the ocean come to her.

"Why did you bring us here?" she asked.

The ocean just looked at her.

"We're not the right people," Kimi said.

"You have to choose someone else," Moana replied, holding the heart to it.

"Choose someone else. Please," Kimi begged.

The ocean finally agreed and made the heart sink to the bottom. Kimi and Moana held each other as they cried. What were they to do now?


A/N Maui left and the sisters are on their own. This is messed up.

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