Chapter 3: Where Kimi Is

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Moana sat on a twisted tree and looked out over the ocean. She does this to think, clear her head, or just to look at the sea. She sighed as she thought of her sister. She closed her eyes and remembered the last time she saw her.

Flashback (4 Years Earlier)

Kimi started loading up her boat she built in a secret cave. Her hair was tied in a bun and her hazel eyes were full of determination and exhaustion as she finished putting the food in the boat.

"Kimi, what are you doing?" Moana asked.

Kimi turned around, surprised to see her younger sister.

"Moana, why are you here?" she asked.

"Gramma told me that I would find you here. What's going on?" Moana asked.

Kimi sighed, approached her sister, and answered, "Moana, I have to leave to figure something out. I just found out something that I can't explain. I wish you could come with me because we both love the ocean, but Mom and Dad need a chief for Montunui. And I'm not it."

"But Kimi, I can't do what you've learned. And Mom and Dad will be heartbroken if they find out you left," Moana said.

"I'm sorry, but my heart isn't here; it's out there, on the sea. Now promise me that you'll take care of Mom, Dad, and Gramma," Kimi remarked.

"I--I promise, but I hope you come back," Moana replied, starting to tear up.

Kimi wiped her tears away and said, "I will. I don't know when, but I will."

She kissed her head, they hugged, then Kimi pushed the boat into the water. She turned around and waved to Moana, who waved back. She turned back to the ocean and made it out to the open ocean.

Moana left the cave and told her parents that Kimi left the island. They broke down crying, thinking that Kimi was committing suicide. Moana ran to Tala's hut and cried. Tala held her youngest granddaughter in her arms.

"Why did she have to leave, Gramma?" Moana whimpered.

"Because she is a demigoddess of the wind and sea," Tala answered.

End of Flashback

Moana opened her eyes as a single tear went down her cheek.

"Kimi, if you're still out there, I want you to come back. Or I will go and find you myself," she whispered.

"Moana, it's time!" Tui called.

Moana wiped her tears away, wore a forced smile, and went to help out in the village.


A/N Now you guys know what happened to Kimi. She's a demigoddess and has to figure out some things, so she left Montunui. Makes sense, right?

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