Chapter Three: Information

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Still not happy with how it's turned out, but posting anyway to see what readers think. Please tell me how I can improve this!


I got home and told my grandparents of what had happened. My grandfather felt that I had done the right thing, and my grandmother just felt worried: gangs around here were a serious business, and she shared with me the horror stories of such. I felt uneasy, and wondered if I should just head back home-but I couldn't go back home. Not until the year was over with. I researched, did homework, and then read a book. By the time I was done with all of that, I was exhausted and it was time for bed. I went to sleep, and then woke up at five in the morning to do some writing. I wrote a few pages of poetry, and then I wrote some of a book I was working on called "Soul Wanderer". I set the finished pages at the side, and then-glancing at the time-I saw that it was nearing seven by the time I had finished typing all of that.

I got the dishes washed and put away, and then I took out the trash. I went back inside, and cooked myself something to eat. My grandparents were still asleep, and so I finished eating, put dishes away, and then wrote a note saying I was heading to school. I put the note firmly on the table where my grandfather sat for coffee, and another note on the fridge saying the same thing, and one further note on the inside of the front door, just in case.

I went to the middle school, and saw that I was one of the first one's there. It had been a simple walk, and I was pleased that I hadn't run into trouble. I still didn't have a knife, or anything that would provide even remote protection. I felt troubled, still, and went to the Sanctuary-of which was actually the library, but I decided to call it the 'Sanctuary'.

Inside, I saw that I was the first one there, other than the Librarian. I spoke to her for a few minutes, asking her about the more advanced books and things, and then went to do some more homework. It was pretty much done, but I was intent on staying ahead in classes. I didn't want to be a failure, like I had been back home. I had found a book describing the best grades got the best jobs, and the best grades one wanted usually was around a 3.0 to 4.0 average.

I was still in the library half an hour later when Bradley showed up.

"How did you beat me here?" Bradley asked, sitting at the table.

"I got here around seven fifteen," I explained. "I get up at five to write, because it's actually quiet during that time period."

He handed me a thick notebook full of notes, and loose paper.

"That should be all the information you wanted," He said. "Five dollars." I dug into my pocket [using the allowance money my grandmother had given me] and handed him a five dollar bill. He took it in surprise and grinned. "Thanks, this pays for lunch. So, any word on the movie?"

"My folks said it was fine, so long as I got home before midnight." I reassured him. He grinned.

"Excellent." He said, pleased. Marissa came in that moment and I saw she had headphones in and was looking around the library. Her eyes landed on us, and then she came to sit with us, taking her headphones out. I was curious about what she had been listening to, but didn't ask. I would look into music myself, and see what I liked.

Just then I noticed a guy standing at the front door of the library. He was a fairly tall black guy that was wearing a white hoody and a pair of cargo pants that hung from his waist, barely keeping on his body. Bradley paled.

"That's the second in command of the Raiders," He whispered to me. The guy spotted me, and then came straight towards me. The librarian was watching from her desk with suspicious eyes. The guy seemed dangerous, and intent on his business. I was shaking slightly, but remained as calm as I could in the situation I was in.

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