Chapter Eleven

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The dreams began as they usually do: dark, violent, filled with war, hate, and humans changing into monsters. She tossed and turned, and finally jolted awake at six thirty in the morning. Her alarm clock had thirty minutes to go before ringing, and she sighed heavily, feeling that the night had been pointless in catching sleep. The nightmares had been more frequent lately, and she was tired of it. She needed sleep, if she was to be at the top of her game.

There were always going to be some strange things going on, she was beginning to realize. She didn't have a chance of figuring out how to live a normal life, because strange things would precide over everything else.

And that made her feel angry at life in general, that she couldn't get the one thing she wanted most-normal.

She'd always been strange.

And now, she was going to be considered even more strange, if the comments the boy had made at her had been anything to go by.

She didn't want to be special. She didn't want this power, this curse.

She just wanted to be left alone.

But she was fairly sure she was never going to get the opportunity to be so.

Therefore, she secretly began to make plans. Plans that would change everything.


End Chapter


Notes: I'm fixing to be gone for a week, so I hope to get more writing done as time goes on. Thanks for sticking around this long with this sad first rough draft. PART TWO is up next.

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