Chapter Nine:

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Sam studied magic with her grandmother, went to school, and was generally a very busy, very social girl. It wasn't until her birthday arrived at Halloween that she was able to take a brief break and celebrate the arrival of her seventeenth birthday.

"Seventeen. A big year for you, dear. Almost officially an adult. Of course, in the old days, you would be considered an old maid having not been married yet." Her grandmother said with a chuckle.

Sam winced at the idea of marriage. She was busy enough, and didn't want to do marriage on top of it all. Not to mention,

"There's no one that I'm interested in at the moment anyway for marriage, gran. Plus, I'm far to busy with school." She pointed out. Her grandmother nodded.

"So I've noticed. Which is why I'm pleased to be taking you out for a short week. There's a festival going on. A Carnival, if we're to use the proper terminology." Her grandmother informed her.

"Really? That sounds fun." She said, enthused. It did sound fun, and a nice distraction from her current studies. While she loved learning, she was beginning to become exhausted by it all. There was just so much that she didn't know.

"The Carnival is nights only, so you'll need naps during the day, of course. There will be times when you'll wish to not attend at all, and stay home-that's completely fine and normal. There are games, prizes, music, and rides as well as strange attractions to see. This will be a chance to meet and greet some fellow witches. There are also shifters, warlocks, empaths, telepaths...the list goes on. Needless to say, there will be plenty of things for you to do and see, and relax all at the same time." My grandmother said with a bright grin on her face.

Sam smiled back at her gran, and couldn't help but be excited about the Carnival. She'd never gone to such before, and hoped that it would be filled with fun and adventure.


Notes: Short, I know. I'm sorry. I'm finding it hard continuing this story, but really want to keep going. I'm at about 70+pages for this story on Writer, a free version of Microsoft Office. I'm planning on scrapping this story and rewriting it once I finish this terribly, crappy first draft. Thanks to all those who have stuck with it so far!

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