Chapter Thirteen:

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They drove for miles and miles, until the sun began to creep up over the horizon, casting a blaze of light. She wanted to get off the bike and onto something that wasn't moving, like the ground for example. She hugged Jason tight, feeling the whip of wind lashing around her, and it was exhilarating.

Finally, they pulled up to a small cabin in the wilderness that she had never known existed. She got off the bike, and nearly fell, instead she took a moment to steady herself before glancing around.

"Where are we?" She asked him, warily. She wasn't completely sure she trusted her families butler, but she didn't have anyone else to trust at the moment.

"We're at a special place." Jason said blandly. "Come on. Just a few more steps, then you'll be safe."

She followed him, despite her misgivings, into the cabin...and was surprised that there was a single wall with a doorway inside. Jason smirked at her amazement, even as he began to explain.

"There are doorways into various cities, sometimes into other worlds even. Have you seen that television show the Magicians, or even better, read the books?" He asked her, and she blinked.

"Er...I've watched some of it, and read all three books. Why?" She asked, baffled, and then realized. "Oh! The door is like that? You open one into New York City and come out at Brakebills?"

"Well, actually we're not in New York City, and Brakebills isn't real. But yeah, basically like that." Jason agreed. "We're going to Africa, where your grandmother is already waiting for you."

"Africa?!" She couldn't help the squeal of glee that left her, and Jason winced. "What are we waiting for then? Let's-"

The door to the cabin blasted into smitherines, and Jason growled and jumped in front of her-only to be cast aside like he was nothing but a mere doll to be flung about. She brought up a weak shield, but knew it wasn't going to save her. She saw the boy who had talked to her at the festival and stared.

"Sam." The boy said with a sigh. "Sam, that door doesn't go to Africa. It goes straight to hell."

She glanced over at Jason, but he'd been knocked out cold, and she hoped he was merely unconscious and not dead. Despite not trusting him, she didn't want him to die.

"Who are you, and why are you attacking me?" She asked, keeping her pitiful shield up.

"My name is Mordian, and I'm here to take you to see the Dark Shifters, as we've so been labeled. They wish to initiate you into their pack. These people didn't tell you that you could choose between the light and the dark, did they? They didn't tell you the kind of raw power that you have, that you can control, once you study it more." Mordian seemed almost bored by this conversation, and she shook her head.

"I'm not choosing anything. I was staying with my grandparents."

"Those two aren't your grandparents. Just like he's not a butler, but a slave." The Mordian drawled out. "Really, have your grandparents taught you anything about magic besides that pathetic shield spell? More small magics? They haven't taught you our history, or told you what you really are."

"They said that I was a Jaguar Witch," Sam told him, frowning.

"Yes, but nothing else? Nothing about where your legacy comes from? Dear, your mother just dumped you and ran, didn't she? She doesn't care about you. Your grandparents may pretend to care, but it's all just pretend. Were they at all amused as you began to learn magic?" He asked, and she thought back to the library where they were laughing as she begged and pleaded to be taught more...

"I don't believe you." She made her shield go a bit higher. "And I'm not going with you."

"I'm sorry to say, you are." He snapped his fingers, and she frowned because she didn't see anything change. Then he slammed into her, and shoved her through the doorway. She gasped as she fell, her shield vanishing instantly. She scrambled to her feet, and looked around in panic, wondering where they were. No. Not they.

Where she was. Because Mordian was not there with her.

She was in some kind of large warehouse that was dark and grey. There wasn't anyone around.

And there was no obvious way out.

It looked like Jason's fear had come true.

She had been kidnapped by the Dark Shifters.


End Chapter Thirteen


Happy birthday to me!!! (Technically tomorrow is my birthday, but don't think I'll be online to say so.) 

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