Chapter Five: Heritage Revealed

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Notes: Apologies again for the short chapter. I have the next chapter started, and hope to have more updates for this soon. I'm attempting to write as I am inspired. 


I would've fallen asleep shortly after that, but instead I began to feel something strange stirring deep within me. I'd been feeling strange for days, and-unable to place the feeling-had ignored it. Now, however, I was beginning to feel it coming on stronger. As though something in me wanted to change. I looked at the pictures that I had on my walls, and saw the black jaguar that was hunting its prey, and felt something within me growl.

My bones began to change, and form into that of a jaguar. I didn't know how it was going to be a jaguar, but it felt right. It felt as though I was finally inheriting my destiny. I growled, clenching my hands into fists before they relaxed out and felt pain searing across my entire body. I withheld screaming; it wouldn't help, and I'd never screamed before in my life.

A split second later, and I had changed from a normal teenage girl into a beautiful black jaguar. I stared at my reflection in the mirror, and the door to my room opened. I inwardly panicked, hoping I wouldn't attack anyone, and sat back on my haunches, feeling confused and tense, ready for confrontation.

"Sam, I was thinking that since you were still awake-good gracious!" My grandmother stood in the doorway, staring at me with surprise. Then she smiled, and said with a chuckle. "Looks like you inherited the stronger genes after all."

I growled lightly, and she sighed.

"Yes, I suppose I should have forewarned you." She studied me intently. "You know, we've never had a jaguar in the family. Usually it's dogs, or cats. You certainly chose an interesting animal." She informed me. "Come with me. I'll let you outside for the night. And don't worry, you won't attack anyone unless provoked."

I followed my grandmother reluctantly to the back of the house where the butler was smoking a cigerrate.

"Problems, Mrs. Rose?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at seeing me. "Ah. Heritage revealed itself finally, I take it?"

"A bit earlier than anticipated, actually." My grandmother informed him. "That hurricane over?"

"It wasn't so much of a hurricane than it was a fairy elemental causing havoc." He said, disgruntled, and flicked his cigerrate into a tray. "Well Sam, I like your chosen form. It's beautiful," He said, staring at me with a fascinated look and glanced at grandma. "You never said you had jaguars in the mix. Will the Amazonians be a problem, do you think?"

"I highly doubt it," My grandmother said briskly. "Now, Sam. I want you back when the sun rises. If you have problems, use your gifts to call me. And be careful out there tonight, there's a lot of chatter of fighting and magic breaking loose in places where it shouldn't."

I gave her a steady stare, before turning to the door expectantly. The butler opened the door, and I went outside, and as soon as my paws touched the ground I felt as though I was finally freed.

I took a deep breathe, purred, and then began to push against the ground...

And took off on a dead run into the dark, stormy night.

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