Chapter Twelve:

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Notes: This has been entered into the Belle Ame awards, in the fantasy category! Here's to hoping it'll win! Good luck to all contestants too!


Sam faced off with the boy from the carnival, her teeth curled up in a snarl. She wanted to taste his flesh, feed on the marrow of his bones...then she shook her head, denying that she wanted to do anything of the sort. That wasn't her. That was the jaguar inside her.

"Sam?" Her entire body shook, as she heard her grandmother calling her name. She opened her eyes, and realized that she had been dreaming. Dreaming of the carnival boy, and wondering if he'd taste as good as the jaguar thought he would. She blinked several times, before responding.

"What is it?"

"Time to get up, dear. You were dreaming, weren't you? Witches can have quite vivid dreams at times, sometimes they are even known for having prophetic dreams." Gran informed her, and she frowned.

"I was dreaming of eating that boy from the carnival," She knew she didn't have to explain which boy to Gran, they'd talked about him often enough. "I wanted to taste the marrow from his bones." She added.

Gran sighed.

"To be expected, I suppose. You're just now becoming in tune with your jaguar form. You've barely tapped into your witch abilities...oh, I have news. Your sisters are coming down to spend time here as well."

Sam frowned.

"They are? Why?"

"Because it's nearing thanksgiving, and they want to be here early. And I called them down here. I want to see if they have any of the clans abilities yet. Sometimes it manifests early. Yours came about at a proper time." Gran answered patiently. Sam nodded her understanding, getting out of bed and moving towards the bathroom. When she came out, Gran was gone, and she guessed that she was in the kitchen or the library. Sam got dressed in jeans and a nice blue shirt that was comfortably loose. Today they were supposed to go over more spells, talk about the families history, and discuss whether or not Sam should go to a more advanced school meant for those with abilities like her own. Sam was definitely excited by the idea of meeting other kids like her, but also concerned. She didn't want to swap schools around too much.

She was just moving towards the kitchen when Jason was walking through the hallway towards the billiards room where her Granda generally was located. Just as she passed by him, something slammed into the window of the house and Jason reacted swiftly.

"Down!" He shouted, and she dropped to the floor without question, Jason crouching over her with a pistol pulled out. The pistol looked strange, and she wondered if it was a military grade weapon or a magical weapon. She'd barely learned about magical weapons, and had no idea what they were capable of, only that they could be quite deadly. Sirens blared around her as the alarm system for the house was triggered. She felt her entire being was overwhelmed, and her jaguar form was threatening to come out so that she would be better protected. She shoved it ruthlessly back down, and faced Jason.

"What's going on?" She asked, not scared, not yet.

"The Dark Shifters are attacking," He said, pulling her to her feet. "We need to get you out of here."

"But what about my grandparents?" She demanded.

"My first and only job is to protect you. You are the heir to this clan. If you fall, then this clan falls-especially if your sisters don't have any of the clan abilities." He snapped at her.

With no choice, she followed him down to the basement where the vehicles were all lined up. She was startled to find him moving to one of the motorcycles.

"Get on!" He called, as he was on one of the Harley Davidsons that must have cost thousands of dollars due to how pretty it looked. She hesitated, and then screamed in surprise when men came bursting into the room behind her. She rushed towards him, and leapt onto the bike, clutching him around the waist, even as Jason was driving the bike...

Straight into the group of intruders.

She clung to him so tight, she knew she must be making it uncomfortable for him, but didn't care. She'd never been on a bike before, and this was exhilirating and terrifying all at once. She held on for dear life, wondering if her grandparents were going to be okay.

Even as the two of them drove away from the one place she had begun to truly call home.


Notes: About five pages worth! I'm starting to get stuck on this story, so going to try to wrap it up. Once it's done, then it's time for the editing phase!

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