Chapter 6- The guard?

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I tried to stay calm as I walked into the lunch room though my stomach aced from hunger and tightened with anxiety. I followed the line of students awkwardly avoiding conversation. I twisted my arms in front of me and pretended to observe the various posters on the wall. One caught my attention, it read Join the guard! We are looking for someone who is willing to take time out of their day to help manage their fellow class mates. SIGN UP HERE! There was a picture of a shield with two swords crossing behind it, under the picture was a caption that read, You could even get this embowered on your uniform! The symbol reminded me of the one on Louis and Cora's uniforms. I noticed that almost all the sign up tickets were torn off the sheet. Someone nudged me out of my thoughts. "Hey, are you the new student?" a girl asked her hair was brown and it reached the base of her back and her eyes were burgundy and kind. I rubbed my arm instinctively and looked down at the floor.

"Yeah, my name is Emily." I said

she held out her hand, "Angelina," I shook her hand briefly than took a tray.

"I heard you've been hanging with a night student." She said impressed

"Well I wouldn't say we are best friends but Louis seems like a decent person, and besides he's just showing me around since it's my first day."

"wait, your hanging with Louis, Louis Smith?" she said surprised

"yeah, why?"

"well first of all, practically all the night students are beautiful and the day students are pretty much restricted from any contact with them."

"oh, so that's why all the girls were freaking out when they saw Louis."

"yeah, second of all Louis, being a night class student, is hot and he's almost like the leader of the guard so he's always doing crazy things that save people."

"back it up," I said confused, "why is it restricted for day class students to come in contact with them?" I asked while I reached for a hamburger

"well it's not completely restricted, we just can't hang out with them for long periods of time. Especially if they are of opposite gender."

"well, that I get but still I wonder why they don't let us hang out for long periods of time?"

"I really don't know, no one does."


"tell me about it."

"what exactly does the guard do anyway?" I asked changing the topic

"they mostly manage the day class students from getting too close to the night class students, but in general they make sure the students are following the rules. They have had a free spot open for a while now because most of the students who apply just do it to get close to the night class students, so now they have made it harder for students to join."

"Oh." I said a little disappointed

"Hey do you want to sit with me today?" she asked as we payed

"sure" I said surprised

The cafeteria was huge there were tables spread throughout the hole space. Each table circular and with eight seats. The ceiling was entirely made of glass, the sun priced through it illuminating the whole room. We walked over to a table where one girl sat with a small paper bag in front of here. Angelina sat down and I sat next to her. The girl looked up from whatever was distracting her. Her face was round and smooth, her eyes where green with a black ring around the iris, and her hair was dirty blond and wavy. It went down past her shoulders. She didn't look surprised to see me. "hello," She said abruptly, "you must be the new girl. I'm Mackenzie."

"yeah, I'm Emily."

"I hope you know, your kind of the talk of the school."

"what? I had no idea," I could feel the blood rushing up to my cheeks, "what have people been saying?"

she thought for a moment, "it's not really that people have been talking about you, they're just asking a lot of questions regarding you and Louis." She tried to explain

I rolled my eyes, "Louis and I have nothing going on. He's just showing me around the school since it's my first day here."

"hey you're the new girl, right?" someone said as they sat down, she had short dirty blond hair, and soft brown eyes.

"yeah, I'm Emily"

"I think you're in my math class. I'm Maddie"

"Apparently, she and Louis have nothing going on and he's just showing her around because it's her first day." Mackenzie interrupted

"oh yeah? I guess that makes more sense than Ex- girlfriend"

"people think I'm his ex!?" I said shocked

"At least that's what I thought."

"Have any of you even met him?"

"Met who?" someone disrupted, a boy with short brown hair and dark green eyes sat down next to me. "wait, you're the new girl."

I rolled my eyes "yup, I'm Emily"

"Finn" he said he looked around "who are we talking about?"

"Louis" Angelina said

"Oh, no I don't think any of us have even waived to him." Finn said


"most of the night class students lay low." Maddie said

"I said hi to him a few times." Makenzie said blushing

"so none of you really know him?"

"nope" Angelina said shaking her head

"well if you knew him you would support me in not wanting to be his girlfriend." All of them looked at me with shocked faces, even Finn.

Maddie closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "ok," she opened her eyes, "does your brain even work? Cause any sane person would say that Louis smith is the best-looking guy on this planet earth."

"I'm mean I guess he's cute but I'm just not interested."

"wow," Mackenzie said still shocked "you must have the strongest will out there, because any girl in your spot would be jumping at the chance to be with Louis. Especially since he seems to like you as a friend," she paused "at least for now." I rolled my eyes and the conversation began to flow into other subjects.

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