Chapter 12- Night

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After I came back to my senses and stop trying to process what the hell just happened, I rush over to the now sobbing girl. Hunter had her cradled in his warm arms and Lucian was crouched next to her checking for injuries and scolding her. "What were you thinking Sarah!" Lucian said furiously, "You would have gotten seriously injured if we had not been here." His voice began to soften. "You've already been suspended once because of this behavior," her sobs grew harsher, "If it happens again I'm afraid you might be expelled." Lucian says now concerned. After Lucian is done with the examination hunter puts her down. She looks up at her saviors,

"Thank you," she says her gaze drops to the ground as she speaks softly, "and I apologies for the trouble I've caused."

"Take her to the head masters office." Lucian said turning to Hunter, Sarah looked up from the ground and starred at Hunter with innocents masking her face. "Emily," he called and my head snapped up to meet his violet eyes, "We have to go back to the base to record this then we will continue patrolling." He explained, my gaze went from Lucian to Sarah who was now glaring at me, her faced oozed of jealousy. Despite all the questions I was waiting to unleash, we began to walk back to base in silence. The cool breeze made my face tingle, it was such a nice night. The moon was in a deep crescent and there were no clouds obstructing the view of the brilliant stars. I let my head fall back as we walked to take in their beauty. "Do you like the dark?" Lucian said suddenly

I turned to look at him, "Do you?" I asked curiously.

"I asked first," he said with a slight smile.

"Sure, I do" I said looking back up at the sky, "The night sky has always intrigued me. It is so beautiful and yet people are scarred to be alone with it. Scarred of the unknown, scarred of what might lurk in the shadows, scarred of the loneliness the night brings with it." I brought my gaze to meet his face, his violet eyes were wide and his mouth partially open, his mouth slowly curved into a small, wicked smile.

"Are you scarred of it?" he asked

We kept walking as I answered, "No, I don't think so, the night is tranquil and quiet unlike the busyness that occurs during the day. I find the night peaceful."

He looked straight forward as he spoke, "But, what if the people were right? What if that gut feeling people have that tell them to stay away from the shadows of the night, has purpose? What if the night does bring the unknown lonely shadows? Then, would you be afraid?"

I looked at him and we locked gazes, "That depends," his face twisted into confusion in response to my answer, "If the 'unknown lonely shadows' were just looking to be found and to no longer be lonely than no, I would not be afraid. I would still welcome the beauty of the night and its shadows with open arms."

There was aw in his expression and a wide smile spread across his face, he chuckled, "You really are something aren't you?"

"Oh, shut up." I playfully pushed him and we both laughed like children, "What about you?" I said after a moment, "Would you be Afraid?"

He thought for a moment and chuckled to himself, "I am a night class student, I couldn't be afraid because I would be forced to live in the darkness." We reached the main school building where the base was located and began recording the incident on a spread sheet. Lucian put his hood down as he worked and I once again noticed the strange tattoo on the back of his neck.

Without thinking I blurt out, "What's with the tattoo on your neck," he stops writing, but his eyes stayed glued on the paper, "I noticed it earlier while we were leaving this room. Is it a symbol for something?" I continued as I inspected the mark from afar. Lucian covered the double-crescent tattoo with his hand.

"Oh, that," he finally says, "Just the result of a drunken night with friends." He laughs a dry, humorless laughter. I nod not even a little convinced, and what purpose is there to lying about a tattoo anyway? I begin to stride closer to him and I can see the tension in his body like if I were to touch him he would explode. I just stare at the spread sheet and what he had written, there was nothing there that I hadn't witnessed. However, my mind was still trying to wrap itself around the fact that Hunter and Lucian were behind me and about 9 feet away from the gate while Sarah fell and yet they were somehow able to catch her.

"May I ask something?" I asked trying to ease his nerve

"That depends on the question." He said slightly relaxing

"I am not forcing you to answer." I reassured him

"Ask away." He said looking at me

"How were both you and Hunter able to catch Sarah in time?"

"What do you mean?" he played dumb

"I mean we must have been about 9 feet away while she was plummeting to her death, and yet in the moments that my eyes were shut you both were able to save her. How?"

I anticipated his response he inhaled to answer and Hunter came bursting through the doors, "Hey Guys! What ya' talking about!" his voice boomed

"Hunter!" Lucian said exhaling

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