Chapter 34- Good Intentions

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I raised an eyebrow at his bluntness and laughed humorlessly "You have a hell of a lot of explaining to do."

He sighed as if he was already bored with the situation, hopping down from the desk, Kai crossed his arms over his chest and leaned  back against the desk, "Fire away."

"Why didn't you tell me that you already knew me?"

Louis looked at me with surprise in his clear eyes, I had failed to mention my dream to him on the way, "You guys have a past?"

"One he wanted to keep secret for some reason." I replied impatiently.

"Oh, this should be good." Louis commented before we both looked at Kai for an explanation.

"I already told you why, I wanted you to remember on your own. It is important for you to regain your memories for you to live up to your potential and inherit the council as intended of you." Kai explained.

"Who exactly were you to me?"

Kai chuckled, "I don't know. How am I supposed to know what I was to you? I can't read minds."

"I said who, not what."

His face became serious and his light green eyes bore holes into my soul, "You were my best friend."

Flashes of memory came into my mind, only quick bursts and images. All of a small boy with wild curly blond locks smiling, playing, and having fun. I gasped, "How, how is this possible, you are not a pure-blooded vampire, how is it you were a vampire as a child?"

He looked down at his hands, "My mother was human, and my father is a vampire. My father was your parents most trusted general. It was pure luck that I came along during one of their discussions and met you." He looked up at me then, and his face was exactly as it used to be, pure and innocent. He truly was the boy from my memories.

A swell formed in my chest, a new feeling. One of loss and longing, I missed him. Tears welled in my eyes and I couldn't help myself from rushing over to embrace him, "Kai." I said his name, "I remember." I said as I clasped him tight. His body was stiff and his arms did not move to return my embrace, he was in utter shock from my actions. I pulled away from him and gazed into his perfect features, his pale and dark rimmed eyes found mine, they read of sheer confusion and shock. My hand came up and snapped against his cheek, his cheek burned read and he stood frozen, looking at the wall, "That was for not telling me the truth earlier." I backed away further from him and brought up my hand for another strike, he caught it smoothly before my hand could make contact with his already burned cheek, "That would've been for whatever it was that made you want to take over the day-class three centuries ago."

His eyes darkened and his grip on my wrist tightened, "You want to know why I wanted to take over the day-class?" He pulled on my wrist, forcing me to close the space between us. He leaned into my ear, "To fix them." He whispered.

I twisted out of his iron grip and took my place next to Louis once again, "What do you mean? What could possibly drive you to risk exposure and your life to murder humans?" I asked irritated.

"Humans are broken, vile, creatures that are increasingly more ignorant to the realities of the world and yet they feel they rain supreme." He hissed, "They've hit a road block, essentially becoming stuck in their own evolution because they have found a way to bypass natural selection. They have advanced enough to save the weak and the cripple so that they may reproduce and create weak and crippled children that grow and reproduce." His expression softened, "I just wanted to help. I just wanted to fix the world, fix the human world, set their evolution back into motion. Is that wrong? Wanting to help people?"

"Yes!" I yelled, "It is, because even the weak have a place in this world and deserve to live. They are the strongest among us for being able to surpass their own hardships!" I argued, "You cannot play the role of god Kai!"

"Well neither can they!" He argued, "Don't you see that they are an invasive species! Coming in, taking over, reconstructing! They want to rebuild the world in their image, as if it were their child, as if it were something that they could mold and develop into their greatest creation. They mold and build and procreate recklessly! They destroy the planet for everyone and everything else and they are to naïve to realize it! They don't even know that we exist! And yet they are set on killing us as they bring down the earth with their idiotic laws and systems! They even treat each other like crap! Humans are all just weak, narcissistic, wreck less, egotistical, bustards! They are a threat! All I wanted to do was help, I wanted to reset their fate! To reset the worlds fate." Kai tried to explain.

"How exactly does taking over the day-class reset the fate of the world, Kai?!"

"This school is massive, prestigious, and expensive, so the children of some very important human and supernatural officials reside within these halls and dorms. I planned on getting them to join my side, explaining to them the importance of incorporating the supernatural world into the human world. Once they were persuaded, or dead, I would have a solid influence on decisions made in the world, my goal was to have supernatural's in the worlds political system because then I could make changes. If that plan didn't work I had planned to Imperialize the world so that the supernatural's had full rain over what goes on in the world." He paused and sighed, "I was naïve, myself, for thinking I could take on such a feat, it was obvious that I was way over my head."

"You're right, it is way over your head." My cheats hurt just form listening to my best childhood friend speak of such awful intentions, "You alone cannot change the world and there is no reason you should try."

"It was a long time ago, I've learned that I cannot fix everything. Though I came back here to fix one thing. You, I took it upon myself to retrieve you so that you may take your rightful place in the council. I was going to wait a bit longer but when I heard what my father was planning I couldn't wait, I had to protect you."

Everyone in the room had fallen silent, allowing for Kai's words to sink in. A bell blared, chiming the time, and the silence that had filled the room had finally become filled, "We have to go." Louis spoke once the bell had finished striking the hour.

"On patrol?"

He looked at me with a mischievous look, "No, I've called off patrols for today."

"Why?" I looked up at him confused.

"You have combat training."

"Louis, I already know self-defense."
"Maybe, but you don't know how to use your abilities." He sounded oddly proud of himself for knowing this detail. Without warning he grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the room. But before we crossed the threshold of the door and the corridor, I looked back at Kai. His eyes were down-cast as if deep in thought but his pale green irises locked with my gaze before I was completely swept out of the room. A wicked grin spread across his face and his eyes looked dark and dangerous. He slipped from my view once Louis dragged me into the corridor.

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