Chapter 17- The tale

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I ran over to them, thoroughly confused at the events that had just occurred, and very much worried. "What? What is it? What's going on?" I asked desperately.

Aiden turned to Ariana as if to wordlessly ask if he could inform me of the situation. Ariana just shook her head.

"You should go back to the base Emily." Aiden said quietly.

"What? Why? Am I in danger? Are you guys? Is Ariana okay? Is she sick or something? Can someone please just explain what's the matter?!" I yelled frustrated. There was no reply, a long moment of silence followed. "Fine," I said quietly, "I'll go back to the base, I hope you guys get things figured out here. When you're ready to let me into the loop, I'll be waiting."

Aiden nodded, "We'll be sure to meet you there in a few, we just need to talk with Louis first."

As I sulked back to base, I felt alone, isolated from a dire situation I knew nothing about. For some reason, I felt sad and frustrated. Though I knew that those feeling were ridiculous, I mean expecting to be told everything on the second day of the job is asking a lot. And still, I felt that for some reason I belonged with the band of weirdos on the guard. But at the same time, I felt like an intruder to the group. A misfit among misfits, a fan watching the amazing performance of a dancer, a secondary character in someone else's story. I shook my head, feeling pessimistic will do nothing to improve my situation. After some time, they'll hopefully include me in what's happening. I looked up at the night sky, it was a clear night, the crescent moon shone brightly and beautiful stars riddled the dark sky. A calm enveloped me as I took in its exquisiteness. I walked into base and once again I was alone, with not even the sky to keep me company. After a few minutes of waiting Louis burst through the door, followed by Ariana and the rest of the guard. Everyone starred at him as he began to pace the room angrily.

"Why the fuck didn't he tell me," Louis mumbled and he paced, "Why is he coming now?" Louis looked up, his expression changed from anger to determination. His clear eyes never left mine as he approached me, "You have to get out of here."

"What, Why?" I asked shocked at the sudden demand

"I can't explain, you just have to." He said seriously

"I mean, I'll go back to the dormitory if you really want me to, I can tell when I'm not wanted." I said slightly offended

"No, I don't mean just leave the base." He said frustrated, "You have to leave the school. Along with all the Day-class students."

"Have you gone mad!" Cora said abruptly, both our heads snapped to face her, "It's not the end of the world Louis, we're not evacuating the hu-" she stopped, her dark blue eyes shifting to meet mine before clearing her throat, "The Day-class students."

Louis strode over to Cora, "What do you suppose we do then?" Louis said frustrated

"There's nothing we can do except inform the head master, wait for his arrival, and be on our guard." Cora said simply.

After a long moment of consideration, Louis looked defeated, "Fine, I'll go discuss the matter with the head master." Louis turned to me, his eyes locking onto mine, "We all will be patrolling tomorrow. You are going with me whether you like it or not. Everyone must be as vigilant as possible." He said looking at me as her addressed the group, "My brother is cunning, and he will manipulate you if given even the slightest chance."

. . .

As always, Cora and I walked back to the dormitories in silence. Though I was desperate to ask the questions that plagued my thoughts, I knew that they would either be dodged or I would overstep my bounds as the new member of the guard.

"Go ahead." Cora sighed

"what?" I asked confused

"I know you probably dying to ask me questions, so don't piss your pants, just ask." She said laughing

"What happened to Ariana today?" I asked

Cora sighed, "Can't say, I wasn't there when it happened." She said evading my question

"Okay," I said determined to get something out of her, "Why is everyone so scarred of Louis's brother?"

Some sort of coldness masked Cora's features and she looked straight ahead as she answered, "That's a funny story actually." She said humorlessly, "He used to attend this school. He, uh, graduated some time ago, back then he was the man to beat at Havens academy. Smart, athletic, funny, wanted by every girl, admired by every guy." Cora had a dreaminess to her eyes, like she was reliving the memory, "Well, that's what we all thought at least. That's who he wanted us to believe he was, the perfect person. A leader. A friend. A trustworthy person. However," Cora's voice turned dark, "He was anything but that. He-he used us. He manipulated us to believe we were doing the right thing, a good and natural thing." Cora was on the verge of tears, "But, we were just falling for his tricks, playing right into his hands. Just like he wanted, he almost got us to do it too. But Louis saw him with clear eyes, he knew his brother better than any of us, and he tried to warn us. He tried, and we didn't listen. So, he took matters into his own hands. He faced his brother head on and alone, it nearly cost him his life, he barely succeed. We could never truly repay him, but we formed the guard to protect the school and made louis our unofficial leader." We had reached the room by the time she finished telling the tail.

"What was he trying to get you to do?" I asked engrossed by the story

Cora turned to me, her eyes were a frighteningly deep purple color, "I-I'm sorry, but I cannot tell you that either. You can try to ask Louis tomorrow if you really want to know." I wasn't mad at her, her expression told me that she desperately wanted to tell me all the things she couldn't. As Cora took a shower I fell into my bed, physically and mentally exhausted, I let my eyes lazily fall shut with one thought of determination circling my mind, 'I will get him to explain everything tomorrow.'

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