Chapter 29- Secrets and Lies

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I tentatively stepped into the large room, flashbacks of the first day I had met the guard popped into my head. Lucian was leaning against the front wall with his arms crossed and his hood up as always. Ariana was quietly sitting, looking like a timid student, in her seat. Aiden sat on the teacher's desk in front of Lucian, his legs hanging of the edge and swinging like a child's. Hunter sat on one of the long steps that separated the large tables of the classroom. Cora was quietly talking to someone, though Lucian and Aiden's forms were blocking my view. The door slammed loudly behind Kai, who stood behind Louis and I. The sound vibrated through the quiet room and all eyes landed on me. I giggled to myself at the familiar feeling and the not-so-distant memories. The room fell silent as people starred at me wide eyed, Hunter winced at my appearance and looked away from my blood covered body. Lucian's smirk was barely visible from behind his hoodie. Ariana's eyes were on me, yet unsurprised, and full of content. Aiden stared at me with childlike wonder and astonishment. Cora stared at me with untamed shock, her eyes tearing with either joy or horror.

"Hello." I waved meekly.

Cora rushed across the room to embrace me, "Holy fuck, it's actually you." She said holding me tight, "What the hell happened to you?" She asked pulling away from the hug and letting her gaze wander over my scarlet stained clothes and new facial features.

I shrugged, "Yeah, a lot."

"She murdered and fed on an entire club of people after ambushing us and losing her control." Kai said as he took a seat atop one of the large student tables. I turned around and glared at him, his pale green eyes held a glint of mischief and he shrugged, "What? Is that not what happened?"

I rolled my eyes and looked back to the room, looking over Cora's shoulder, "Dad?" I asked in disbelief, "What are you doing here?"

"Hi, Honey?" He looked as if he didn't know what to say, "How have you been?"

"I mean I died, so." I said pointedly

He laughed and walked over to me, placing his hands on my shoulders, "Look at you," he sighed while his eyes scanned my face, "Finally as you should be."

"I'd hate to break up this reunion, but I think that we all deserve some answers at this point." Louis said, walking over to us.

My dad sighed, "Very well, but, I need some answers too." Louis only nodded in response, "I got here a few days ago," My father began, "The school called telling me that an incident had occurred. They said that you had experienced some sort of trauma and that Louis had attempted to turn you in order to save you. They said that the turn had appeared unsuccessful, though, the autopsy showed some anomilies in your blood so they had decided to keep you under surveillance." He paused sliding his hands down his face, "I knew it was the awakening."

"The awakening?" Louis asked

"Yes, well," My dad struggled to find the right words, "I am a hunter-"

My father began before I cut him off, "A hunter? Like the people who despise and kill supernatural creatures?" I questioned, confused by his motives.

He chuckled, "Not quite, I knew your mother and father. They were kind and highly respected pure-blooded vampires. I was their bodyguard of sorts, I had a team, the Hunters Association, which was a group of hunters that eliminated supernatural threats. I guess you could call us the police officers of the supernatural world, if someone broke a law or decided to attack a royal we would pursue them."

"How did you know she was awakening?" Kai asked from across the room.

My father looked at me with concerned eyes, almost as if he were afraid of my reaction, "Your parents were a particularly powerful force in the vampire community, they were blessed with certain gifts that were more useful and powerful in comparison to other pure-bloods. This made them a target, you see, in the vampire community there is an elite group of pure-bloods that serves as a council of sorts. They establish the laws of the vampire community and deal with foreign affairs regarding other species of the supernatural world. Your parents were an important part of this council and yet they were kind and well loved by the vampire community." He took a breath, and paused to collect his thoughts, "When you were very little an unknown attack was planned against your parents. No one knows who the person or people were who murdered your parents. Their motives are also unclear."

"When I was turning, I had a dream, o-or a memory." All eyes turned to me as I struggled to find the right words, "I'm sure it was of my parent's assassination that night. But someone saved me, I think."

My father chuckled deeply, "That would be me. I was there that day because someone left me an anonymous note saying that there would be an assassination attempt on one of the council members. I assigned each member of the association to a council member. I went to check on your parents," His face fell and he looked to the ground, "I was too late, I couldn't save them. I was ready to fight and I searched the whole house for the assassin but he had left. I found you instead, in the closet of your destroyed room, curled up on the floor in the corner. You cried and hissed at me when I approached you, but I picked you up and took care of you. I gave up hunting and changed my name along with yours to protect you. I knew that the killer would be after you so I had to hide you as best I could, soon after I took you in I contacted a caster to seal your power and memories. I had you live a normal life until your power grew too strong for the seal to bear any further, and you awakened. That's why I sent you to this school in the first place, so that you would be safe and protected when the time came."

This was a lot to handle, a lot to take in all at once, it was too much, questions buzzed restlessly in my head My entire life was a lie. Built to protect me from an unknown threat. I was left speechless. The room fell silent, but I lacked the courage and the knowledge of how to fill the empty space with sound. So I remained silent, my father's face fell, as if he were ashamed for his actions, "Thank you. I had no idea you have done so much for me." I finally found the right words, my father's face rose and a weary smile lifted on his face, "This is just a lot to handle." I continued, walking over and gently embracing, "Really, thank you."

"You're welcome, honey." He pulled away from me, looking into my eyes before sifting his gaze away and sighing, "Well, I really should be on my way."

"So soon?" I asked

"I only came here today to make sure you weren't dead," He joked while walking to the door, He turned back to me before leaving, "Call me if you need some more questions answer. Okay?" he had a pleading look in his eye, one that blead of sincerity.

I smiled, "okay."

"Okay," Louis broke the silence that had once again filled the room, "Go get changed so we can get to class before we're too late."

"Class?" I questioned, "It's the middle of the night-" I cut myself off as I realized what he meant, "No."

"Yes." He said with a gleeful look in his diamond blue eyes.

"Louis, I just started going to school here and I've only been in the day-class for a week, just let me stay." I begged.

He shook his head, "Not possible. You are part of the night-class now." He said smiling.

Cora squealed, "Yes!"

I groaned, "But those classes were easy! I didn't have to learn anything new, puls wouldn't it be suspicious to have the only day-class student accepted into the guard suddenly transfer to the night-class?" I tried to dissuade him.

He thought for a moment, "We'll come up with something." He assured.

"But you guys don't have to go to class, you skip all the time." I sounded like a whining child, Aiden chuckled from atop the teacher's desk.

"That's only because the classes are more for newbie's like you. We don't have to go when the guards job is much more important." He giggled.

"But I am on the guard!" I groaned trying to defend myself.

"Yes, you are," Louis stalking closer to me, "So you will attend classes every other day," he was mere inches from me, towering over my form he leaned down so his lips lightly brushed my left ear, "now go." He whispered, goosebumps raised on my skin and an electric current skittered through my veins.

I sighed in defeat, "fine."

He lightly bit the corner of my ear causing me to yelp in surprise, "Good." He breathed, and I rushed out of the room to avoid further embarrassment.    

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