Chapter 24- Painfully Awake

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Another menacing growl rippled through the room from behind me, "What are you doing here?" Louis's voice came out low and threatening.

Kia raised a perfect eyebrow and looked at his brother smugly, "I told you that I would be returning."

"I was hoping that was a lie." Louis hissed, literally hissed, the sound cutting through the air, as if the vibration alone could slice his brothers head off. I still did not understand why he loathed his brother with such a passion. I just stood there, vulnerably, between the two god-like figures and the rest of the guard's students.

"Well, it wasn't," Kai shifted his intense gaze from his brother to me then back to Louis, "I was being truthful, and with the impending threat of our father's wrath, I figured you would need help protecting the lost royal." Kai's pale green eyes locked on to mine once again, a blush rose to my cheeks.

Louis's strong hold locked me in place from behind, as he grasped me protectively, "We don't need your help." His anger seemed to diminish slightly, while he held me. I felt like a helpless child in this situation, needing others to protect me, it was pitiful. I was not looking for their protection or their pity. I was not weak.

Looking up at Louis's tense form then at Kai I took a deep breath before addressing them, "First of all," I began, wiggling out of Louis's protective grip, "I am sorry to disappoint, but I am not the lost royal child." I said glaring at Kai's relax expression, "Secondly, if your father is coming to kill me, whatever he may be, I do not expect you to protect me." I looked at the rest of the guard members, they all wore shocked expressions, well except for Lucian and Kai, who both looked very content with my rebellious act, "None of you are to put yourselves in danger for my safety. I am nothing but another human girl who will eventually die one day. The world can afford to lose a worthless human like myself. It cannot afford the loss of any rare creature such as yourselves." I said, admiring their nature, even though I had no clue of what half of them even were.

Kai was suddenly dangerously close to me, his clear, pale, green eyes bored curious holes into mine, "You are wrong my dear," he said, placing his hand under my chin, "You are much more important than any of us." His eyes grew cold as he leaned in to whisper into my ear, "Don't be so quick to throw your life away to save some merciless monsters." He said harshly before strong arms ripped me from him.

Louis hissed from behind me again, "Don't touch her."

Kai only smirked, unaffected by the threat, "Relax, I already told you, I am not here to harm anyone. I am merely here to help you prepare for father's attack. I wish to be on the school's guard, if only for a month. Once the threat has passed I will leave."

"Leave at once!" Louis's voice grew more impatient, "I have no desire, nor need for your help." He continued through clenched teeth.

"I will not leave, knowing that a royal lies in the face of danger." Kai glanced at me, "Especially, when she is reckless enough to give up her life before the battle had even begun."

I felt my cheeks heat up with anger, who did he think he was! Walking in here telling me who I am! Telling me that I needed his protection! Then insulting me for being noble! I thought.

"I am not a helpless damsel! I do not want or need your protection!" I burst in anger.

Kai was once again in front of me, mere inches from my face. His canines flashing dangerously, as his feline eyes scanned my neck, locking onto my throbbing vein. His gaze reminded me of a predator, locking its eyes onto its prey's week spot. I can only assume that his goal was to scare me into accepting his help, by threatening me. Trying to force me to cower in fear, was his fatal mistake. I stood stoic, and strong within Louis's grasp. Fearlessly starring down the creature in front of me.

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