Chapter Four

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             "So?" Mason asked Joshua and the younger Pits boy shrugged.

"So?" Joshua frowned for a second and wiped off the grease on his hands with the rag from the back pocket of his overall.

"How'd your first week go with Egypt?" Mason smirked and Joshua gave his brother a blank stare.

"Fine. He stays out of my way and I stay out of his." Joshua muttered and inspected the head and block he just swapped out of an old Toyota.

"And why the hell didn't you call me and give me a heads up? You know how weird it was to see that boy spread out on my sofa drooling?" Joshua asked with a roll of his shoulder. Man, weird was the last thing that came to mind about seeing Egypt sleeping so peacefully.

"Not like you really minded." Mason muttered and Joshua cocked his head to the side.

"Excuse fuckin' me?" Joshua barked and Mason shook his head while spraying a decent amount of Purple Blaster onto his palm and began rubbing them together in earnest.

"You heard me Joshua." Mason lifted his brows and Joshua huffed.

"I have no idea what you're getting at Mason." Joshua closed the distance between himself and his brother. "Please, do enlighten me."

"Joshua, come on." Mason scoffed. "I see the way you look at him when you think nobody is watching. You, my baby brother got the hots for Egypt." Mason cackled and Joshua glanced around quickly, heart hammered at hearing those words come out of Mason's mouth.

Joshua stared at Mason, mouth opened and closed without him being able to make a sound. How in God's name did Mason come to that conclusion and would he hate his little brother for wanting dicks instead of pussies? Joshua's mind ran with a whole lot of different scenarios about Mason hitting him over the head with an 18 spanner or even knocking his teeth in with the mini sledge hammer. But none of those blows would hurt as much if Mason hated him for being gay.

It would absolutely destroy Joshua if Mason was to disown him. It would hurt so much that Mason stood by Joshua for knocking in a guy's face and even regular weekly visits in prison but Mason wouldn't stand with him for being true to himself. It's not like Joshua went around advertising his love of cock but he would never deny it. Not again. Never again.

"Mason..." was all Joshua got out.

Mason looked at his baby brother and shook his head slightly as if in disbelief that Joshua would ever think he'd reject him, the only family he had left in the world. Hell, Mason was rather happy-more pussy for him because since Joshua got out of prison the female customers started increasing by a lot and while it's good for business Mason would bet Joshua would blow up on one of those women any day now.

"It's fine Joshua. I know you prefer company of the male kind." Mason said and Joshua's eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.

"What? How?" Joshua was baffled to say the least. "And you've never said anything." Joshua could not believe what he just heard.

"It's not my business really. I figured you'd tell me whenever you were ready." Mason shrugged and walked over to the sink and began washing his hands. "I mean I love the ladies so you don't see me running to tell you I'm straight." Mason said and glanced at his still frozen brother. "So I don't expect you to do the same."

"Oh. Um... Okay." Joshua said unintelligently and Mason chuckled.

"Okay now that it's out of the way." Mason paused for dramatic effect. "Your dick is itching to get close to Egypt ain't it?" Mason cackled when Joshua sputtered.

"It's none of your business Mason!" Joshua yelled and when Mason held his stomach still laughing he continued listing all the reasons why his dick should stay away from Egypt. "I don't and my dick don't like him. He's too loud with that motor mouth of his and he's nineteen for fucks sake Mason. He's a kid." Mason sobered at that.

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