Chapter Twelve

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Joshua couldn't say he was surprised. He was expecting it earlier to be honest. The only surprise was that he got served on the Lord's Day. Joshua would be lying if he said that Mason's confession didn't tear at his heart.

"Mason..." Joshua trailed off as he watched his big brother break down. Mason paced for a bit and Joshua squeezed his eyes shut for a moment to gather himself.

"Mason it's going to be alright. Detective Pearl will sort everything out. Joshua won't spend a moment in prison." Egypt cooed at Mason and got him a glass of water as he sat the elder Pits man on the sofa.

Joshua chanced a look at Egypt and he felt so sad at the way Egypt looked guilty and frightened despite his brave and determined words. Joshua tossed the envelope onto the coffee table and sat next to Mason.

"Mason it'll be alright. I have a great defence and Egypt is my witness. This will get dismissed as soon as the judge hears the facts and we got surveillance footage from the cameras." Joshua threw an arm over Mason's shoulder in comfort.

"Okay. Okay. I hope so Joshua. I really do." Mason breathed. "Let's just head out to dinner and forget about it for this evening." Mason sighed and both Joshua and Egypt jumped at the suggestion. They drove separately, Joshua and Egypt following Mason's tail lights to their destination.

Mason reserved a booth at a nice restaurant that specialized in grilled food. There was a bar area, dining area and a dance floor that was being well used by couples and friends. When they finished their food Mason ordered a round of scotch for all three of them and Joshua was stunned. Mason never drinks on a Sunday.

"It's one drink Joshua. I need it, you need it and Egypt sure as hell needs it." Mason said and Joshua nodded slowly.

"Tomorrow we'll close up shop and search for a good lawyer." Mason said when their drinks arrived.

"I can help with that." Egypt said and Joshua's eyes slid to him.

"My mom was a lawyer. I've got some old contacts of hers." Egypt shrugged and Mason sent him a grateful smile.

"Okay. Well I'm off guys. Egypt call me and let me know if you get anybody to represent Joshua so that I can organize the payment." Mason stood and Joshua frowned.

"I can handle my own lawyer fees Mason." Joshua said and Mason shook his head and placed a hand on Joshua's shoulder.

"It's not coming out of my pocket or yours. Mom and Dad left that trust fund for instances like these." Mason said and removed his hand from Joshua's shoulder.

Joshua stood and hugged Mason for a moment whispering a thank you to his big brother and Mason patted Joshua's back before he gave Egypt a fist bump and left.

"Want to dance?" Joshua asked Egypt and jutted his chin out in the direction of the dance floor that had a few couples swaying.

"Sure." Egypt blushed and Joshua smiled softly that he could make Egypt blush so easily.

Joshua led Egypt and closed his eyes when the boy rested his head against Joshua's chest and wrapped his arms around the older man. Joshua basked in being enveloped in Egypt's signature Japanese Cherry Blossom scent and moved them to the song playing while Egypt sang the words to Sam Smith's Lay Me Down.

They danced for another hour or two before Egypt yawned and Joshua chuckled. Poor boy was tired. Joshua drove them back to the apartment and helped a sleepy Egypt to his room where he stripped his sneakers and pants and fell into bed. Joshua covered Egypt's sleeping form with his blanket and went to his own room where he got ready for bed.

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