Chapter Fifteen

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                                        When Joshua read the last message from Louis it was with a smile on his lips and tears in his eyes. Louis had sent Joshua daily updates about how he was adjusting to his new home and him finding love with an older man. He even sent pictures. The last ones from six months ago of Louis and his new husband Ross. Joshua was so happy Louis got his happily ever after.

Joshua stood in front of Egypt's door not sure if to knock or wait till he was done playing. Deciding on the latter Joshua listened as Egypt strummed and sang an acoustic version of Tennessee Whiskey.

Joshua pressed his forehead against the dark wood and just listened. Egypt didn't know what he did with his guitar and voice but each time Joshua saw rock bottom Egypt's playing and singing helped him climb to the top every time. Had Egypt not been waiting for Joshua he would've already been at the bottom of a whiskey bottle by now.

When the strumming ceased and Egypt's voice trailed off Joshua knocked lightly on the door and when Egypt opened the door Joshua attacked him with a hug so fierce nothing could tear them apart.

"Thank you." Joshua mumbled into Egypt's neck and the boy patted his boyfriend's back and nodded.

"He's married and happy." Joshua sniffled and Egypt smiled broadly.

"Good. Have you responded to his messages?" Egypt asked and Joshua hugged him tighter.

"No. What do I even say Egypt?" Joshua asked and Egypt wiggled out of Joshua's hold.

"You tell him everything, Joshua." Egypt smiled and Joshua nodded with resignation.

He couldn't respond to Louis right away so instead Joshua invited Egypt out on a date as official boyfriends. After that Joshua had been in such a good mood you would doubt he had to appear in court the following Monday.


"Aunt Sira wants to see you tomorrow." Egypt said and Joshua looked up from the engine he was staring at the next day.

"Tomorrow is Saturday." Joshua said and Egypt smiled.

"Yea, so we're getting free lunch." Egypt replied and Joshua chuckled.

"There is that." Joshua said and glanced back down at the engine in front of him. "What time?" he asked and Egypt shoved his hands in his front pockets.

"About eleven. She said she wants to brief you for Monday." Egypt responded and Joshua nodded.

"Alright. I'll let Mason know." Egypt smiled when Joshua glanced his way and feeling spontaneous he shuffled toward Joshua and when the older man straightened and looked down at him Egypt tip toed and pressed a soft kiss to Joshua's cheek.

Joshua closed his eyes in bliss feeling Egypt's warmth on his cheek that spread throughout his entire body. When Egypt pulled away Joshua gave him a smoldering stare. If only his hands weren't grease covered he would have grabbed Egypt by the front of his shirt and planted one right on his lips. He didn't have to wish for it though because Egypt grabbed him by his coverall and covered Joshua's lips with his own eliciting a moan from the man that could give anybody butterflies in the pit of their stomachs.

"It's a garage I'm running not a kissing booth." Mason said and made Joshua and Egypt jump away from each other. Mason laughed hard when Egypt pouted at him adorably and Joshua glared at his elder brother.

"Do I have to set ground rules now that you both are dating?" Mason asked and Joshua frowned.

"What?" Egypt asked astounded.

"Well I can't have you accosting my mechanic and distracting him with your lips, now can I?" Mason asked and Egypt crossed his arms in front of his chest and did that neck thing that Joshua found hilarious.

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