Chapter Twenty-Nine

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                             "I... you..." the boy stuttered and Joshua was lost for words when he came into view. Tear tracks stained his tanned cheek and he looked utterly wrecked.

"Joshua." The kid said Joshua's name again in a kind of way that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. A sense of dejavu washed over Joshua as the boy looked up at him from the passenger side all big wet doe eyes and vulnerable looking.

"That's me. But I still don't know how you know me kid." Joshua said and crossed his arms over his chest because for some reason his heart started tangoing in his chest.

"I... you're the mechanic?" he asked on a whisper.

"Yea. That'd be me. Having some car troubles?" Joshua asked and glanced at the sweet ride. Even that gave him a kind of jolt and Joshua had never felt anything like that before.

"I don't think you should be crying over it. I'll fix it for you in no time." Joshua felt the need to comfort the boy in some way and to be honest he wanted to hug the guy but that'd be weird as heck.

"It's not the car... it's... um never mind." The boy stuttered.

"Feels weird you knowing my name and I don't know yours." Joshua said and the boy looked up at him with wide eyes and parted lips.

"I... It's Egypt." He stuttered and again Joshua felt as though something was not adding up but he just didn't know what.

"Okay, Egypt. Tell me what's wrong with this fine automobile." Joshua said and Egypt seemed to be jolted out of staring at Joshua in that same vulnerable way that made Joshua think Egypt was just perfect for kissing like he was at that moment.

"It w-won't start." Egypt mumbled softly and tucked something in his back pocket. Joshua shrugged and went around the car to the driver's side.

Joshua sat and automatically reached under the seat and picked up the keys to the car. He glanced at Egypt when the boy let out an almost inaudible "oh my god."

"How'd you know the keys were there?" Egypt asked, a bit of accusation in his question that annoyed Joshua a bit because hell, even he didn't know why he reached under there for the keys.

"I don't know. It's like a hot spot I guess. Glove compartment, sun visor or under the seat." Joshua shrugged and ignored his pounding heart.

"O-Okay." Egypt muttered and Joshua turned the key in the ignition.

The car jolted to life and then it bucked a bit before dying. "Spark plugs or coil packs." Joshua muttered to himself and popped the bonnet. He didn't know why a sense of familiarity kept plaguing him. The car. The boy.

"Dude when was the last time you gave this beauty a tune up?" Joshua asked from under the hood and Egypt shuffled to his side.

"Five years I guess. I got this car as a gift from a very important person to me." Egypt whispered and Joshua looked at him.

Joshua looked at Egypt and the boy looked from him to the car in a way that was tender and loving.

"Must have been somebody special then." Joshua mused as he started to pull off the plug covers and tried not to act weird at the way Egypt was looking at him.

"He is very special to me. He is my greatest love." The way Egypt said the words had Joshua pausing in his movements to look up at Egypt.

"Old flame?" Joshua asked and his breathing hitched when he thought of Egypt being in another man's arms. He didn't know why the thought caused an ache inside him that made it hard for him to breathe.

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