Chapter Thirteen

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They arrived at Egypt's Aunt Sira's home and Mason let out an impressed whistle. Egypt could see why Mason was in awe of the house with its tall pillars and well groomed gardens. Egypt shook his head and stepped onto the porch and rang the bell. Bethany answered the door with a squeal and threw herself at Egypt much to Joshua's dismay.

"Hey Joshua and dude I don't know but looks like an older version of Joshua." Bethany said with a bit of a frown at Mason and gave the man a once over.

"Hello to you dudette I don't know but who's met my younger brother." Mason said cheekily and Bethany smiled with all her teeth.

"I like this one." Bethany grinned and Mason grinned back and they just kept grinning at each other and it weirded Egypt out and Joshua just frowned and cleared his throat loudly breaking whatever trance Bethany and Mason was in with each other.

"Oh Shit! Mom's waiting for you guys in the study." Bethany said and dragged Egypt inside the house followed by the Pits brothers. Bethany led them to the tastefully decorated study and stood on the side.

"Beth honey you don't need to stay." Sira Noel gave her daughter a harsh stare and Bethany rolled her eyes about to leave when Joshua opened his mouth.

"She can stay. Egypt's staying and they're best friends. He's gonna tell her anyway." Joshua shrugged when Bethany let out a high pitched noise that hurt Joshua's ear.

"Fine." Sira growled and stood. "My name is Sira Noel as Egypt must have told you. I'm a partner at Marco, Lewis and Noel Attorneys-at-law. Now give me the summons you received and tell me everything and don't leave out a single detail and which one of you is Joshua Pits?" Sira sat and looked at them expectantly after reading through the summons Joshua handed her.

"Well I'll go first. That's Joshua Pits." Egypt gestured to Joshua. "This is his older brother Mason." Egypt gestured to the other Pits man.

"I went on a date with Kevin and it didn't go well. He showed up at the garage where I work as the store attendant and he slapped me across my face after I told him I didn't want to go on another date with him and Joshua punched him twice knocking him out cold." Egypt said and Sira's facial expression didn't change one bit so Egypt continued.

"I called the Police and they took us all down to the station where the same officer that arrested Joshua two years ago was acting like a jackass so I opened my mouth. A Detective Pearl took over the case and Joshua got served yesterday. Oh, and we have surveillance video of what happened." Egypt finished with a nod and Sira also nodded and wrote a bit in her note pad before she looked up again.

"I'll need you to burn it on a disc for me." Sira said to Egypt then turned her attention to Joshua.

"I'm guessing the trouble you had was because of your record?" Sira asked Joshua and he nodded.

"Yea. I did two years for assault, occasioning grievous bodily harm." Joshua said and raised his eyes to meet Sira's.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Sira asked and noticed the way Joshua stilled. "They'll use it against you so I don't want to be surprised in court." Sira added and Joshua relaxed a bit.

He glanced at Egypt then at Mason and cursed internally. He's never told anybody the real story behind that night and well now they all would know.

"I um... was at a bar. The guy I was seeing back then Louis Jon had left the country to go and live with his uncle because he was sexually assaulted by his neighbor a couple of weeks before. His name is Fin Warren. The charges didn't stick because Fin's parents had vouched for him. Lied in court that they took him out to dinner that night." Joshua glanced at a frowning Mason who looked right back at him.

"Well I was at the bar having a few drinks because Louis had just left a couple of hours earlier when Fin walked in with a couple of friends. I kept my distance and he kept his for a while until he had a few drinks. Then he came to my side and sat and told me how he raped Louis. H-He told me how Louis cried and screamed. How he smelled. The noises he made and how easily he bruised-" Joshua broke off, eyes tear filled remembering how broken and scared Louis was after. Louis was such a sweet man. Caring and beautiful. Joshua wiped his eyes quickly and continued.

"And I just flipped when he said he'd do the same to me because that's all us faggots knew to do. Take cock." Joshua clenched his fists and looked down at the polished wood beneath his feet when he heard Mason's curse and Egypt and Bethany's simultaneous gasp.

"I kicked the shit out of him. I broke his arm and fractured a couple of his ribs with a bar stool. He had a concussion and some internal damages. I can't remember what else. I beat him till he was just an unconscious man lying in a pool of his own blood. The asshole's friends testified that I was drunk and attacked Fin unprovoked." Joshua calmed his frayed nerves and looked up at Sira.

"Well..." she took a deep breath and Joshua braced himself when he looked at Egypt first. A heart breaking expression on his face and such soft forgiving eyes stared back at Joshua.

Mason held his head in his hand and Joshua stared and waited for Mason to look up. When he did Joshua gasped quietly at the look his brother directed at him. Joshua knew Mason was always a bit angry at him for getting in trouble with the law and going to prison but what Joshua saw was just acceptance. Pure acceptance and oh God, Mason was proud of his baby brother.

"Alright. I can work with what I've heard so far. Joshua I am sorry about what happened to your past boyfriend and this is a classic example of how the justice system fails us sometimes. I don't condone violence but that pig Fin deserved a lot more than what you did to him." Sira's jaws clenched as she looked at her daughter then at Egypt and Joshua nodded.

"Give me your email address and I'll forward you an invoice for your fees. I'll request all your files from the station and after that I'll set up another appointment for you Joshua to prepare you for court." Sira closed her notepad and neatened the papers on her desk. "Let's go eat." Sira stood and they all followed her to the dining room.

Sira's work mode was turned off and she joked around with Egypt and told Mason and Joshua embarrassing stories of Egypt and even Bethany when they were kids much to Egypt's chagrin.

Joshua relaxed after Mason pulled him aside and gave him a quick hug and told his baby brother he now understood why he did what he did and he's proud of him.

Joshua felt lighter, unburdened. As if he just came from confession. He laughed and smiled openly with the others dining with him and even kissed Egypt in front of everyone. Bethany whooped and Mason gagged. Joshua hasn't felt this way in years. This happy and carefree. He hoped it lasted forever.



Hope you all enjoyed and I've updated Beta Mine too so read that after or before. Thanks!

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