Chapter Twenty-Three

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                        "Listen here you fucker." Mason had Joshua pinned to his own apartment wall. "We're all going to that damned pub and watch Egypt sing then we're gonna eat some food and hang out until ten tonight and you're gonna show up sober and dressed nicely or I'll fucking castrate you." Mason growled and released Joshua.

Mason really couldn't believe how he found Joshua; drunk and on the brink of passing out. He got the boy showered and some soup in his stomach. Joshua stared at Mason passively. Only the fire in his eyes let Mason know the man didn't turn into a mindless zombie for the past few days.

"He...doesn't want to see me Mason. He said he wanted zero contact with me." Joshua said and licked his dry lips.

"I know. But you both are fucking stubborn jackasses that'll regret you didn't see each other at least once before he leaves for school." Mason sighed and sat on the couch, Joshua sat next to him.

"I'm dating Bethany." Mason said and Joshua chuckled.

"I thought she was bi leaning more towards the females?" Joshua frowned and Mason laughed.

"Yea but have you seen me? I'm adorable and sexy and got most of the Pits charm." Mason scoffed and Joshua laughed. Mason missed that. Seeing Joshua happy.

"What are you doing Mason?" Joshua asked and Mason scowled.

"What do you mean?" Mason asked.

"With Bethany. She doesn't date for shits and giggles. If you only want some fun then you should tell her upfront." Joshua said and Mason smiled slightly.

"I know. I like her Joshua. She's like... my female twin or something and I can see myself with her, not someone like her. She's fun and sexy and sweet. She makes me happy." Mason smiles broadly at the disgusted look on Joshua's face.

"Whoever the fuck you are you need to give me my jackass of a brother back." Joshua scowled when Mason roared with laughter.

"Aren't you happy I'm finally growing up baby bro?" Mason asked and Joshua scowled harder.

"well yea. I mean you sound smart even though you don't look it." Joshua jibes and Mason punches his arm hard.

"Ow you fucker. That's my jacking off arm dimwit." Joshua growled and Mason laughed loudly. There is hope for Joshua yet.

"I'll swing by for you later. Dress nicely Joshua and for God's sakes stay sober please." Mason begged and gave Joshua a one armed hug before he got off the couch.

"Yea, whatever." Joshua waved him away.

"Later brother." Mason waved and Joshua flipped him off.

Joshua went to his room after Mason left and stared at the ceiling, his eyes glanced momentarily to his opened laptop and the opened tab on for self-help and how to tell loved ones your feelings. Joshua hated the shit he read on his multiple searches about admitting things and grief and regret and a bunch of other words he hated thinking about.

Joshua showered and couldn't stop thinking about getting a drink. Be it a beer or whiskey. He just needed something with alcohol in it.

Instead of going to the fridge and pulling out a six pack he went out to his freshly cleaned car and just drove. He didn't know where he was going but once he didn't stop except for gas he was fine.

But as much as he didn't want to stop he found himself parked in front of a bar six miles away from his apartment and frothing at the mouth to go in.

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