Chapter Twenty-Six

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            Mason's heart beat was so fast and erratic he almost checked himself into the hospital for a checkup. He paced and called Joshua's cell phone again. Two days the boy has been gone and both Mason and Bethany were worried. They hadn't told Egypt as yet either.

"Babe, it's been two days. I think it's time we file a missing person's report." Bethany said and Mason nodded.

"You're right." Mason sighed when Bethany approached and hugged him. he embraced her back grateful for her support. She may be young and a little wild but she was mature when the time called for it. That was one of the things that attracted Mason to her for more than a quick shag.

"We should probably print out a picture and take it with us too." Bethany added when Mason released her. Being the daughter of a police officer and a lawyer Bethany had picked up a few things along the way.

Mason felt sick both physically and mentally. He was worried. Really worried. This wasn't like Joshua to just disappear like a ghost. At least he would have answered his phone to let Mason know he was okay.

"Beth, what if something has happened to him?" Mason asked and glanced at Bethany.

"Hey, don't talk like that. He's fine, you'll see." Bethany whispered and prayed silently as she took Mason's free hand in hers.

Three hours later Mason and Bethany finally walked out of the police station after making the report and providing all the information they possibly could about Joshua. Mason's phone rang and his heart stuttered for a second when he say Egypt's name across his screen.

"Answer it. You know he won't stop calling." Her eyes lit up and she smiled slightly and added. "What if Joshua went down to see Egypt?"

Mason's entire body jerked at her words and he hurriedly answered the call.

"Mason! Thank God. I swear you and Bethany almost gave me a heart attack when I couldn't reach either of you." Egypt said with relief clear in his voice.

"Why were you trying to reach us?" Mason asked and Bethany frowned when Mason didn't ask Egypt if he's seen or heard from Joshua.

"I don't know really. I just got a really bad feeling last night and had a weird dream so I just wanted to call and make sure you guys are alright." Egypt said and Mason took a slow and controlled breath. Egypt was a bit superstitious if Mason was honest.

"Oh. Yea we're both fine. Beth is with me as we speak." Mason tried to keep his voice even.

"We're coming to visit you tomorrow." Mason blurted and Egypt's voice went a pitch higher when he excitedly yelled 'what!'

"Yea. Beth and I will be there by twelve okay. We'll have lunch together." Mason said and then proceeded to quickly tell Egypt goodbye.

"We're going to visit Egypt?" Bethany asked with her brows under her bangs and Mason nodded.

"It won't be right to tell him over the phone." Mason shrugged and Bethany agreed. They both knew Egypt would leave school and come home if Mason had uttered a word to him.


Egypt knew something was off when Mason hung up on him. He just knew. He felt uneasy and anxious and after that weird dream he had last night he definitely was a bit jumpy.

He got in the shower and took a long one till his entire body was relaxed before he changed and started to make his dinner.

He pulled out the fresh beef he brought in earlier and almost vomited when his mind flashed back to his nightmare at the sight of the blood.

In his dream everything was red. The houses and the cars, the people all seemed to be coated with a light sheen of red or maybe it was his eyes. He couldn't tell but then everything went black as if he was blind then red again. Blood red.

Egypt felt off kilter all day until he finally got through to Mason. He felt a bit better but somehow the weird feeling didn't go away entirely. Egypt felt as if something very wrong had happened.

Trying to shake off the feeling he tossed the beef back into the freezer and heated some left over mac and cheese instead.

He finished up his homework and tried to get some rest for the following day as hard as it was.


"Hey shorty." Mason smiled and Beth hung back. Both of them didn't look like themselves. They looked weighed down if Egypt was honest.

"What's wrong?" Egypt asked and both Beth and Mason flinched at his question.

"Egypt..." Mason trailed off and ran his fingers through his hair a few times and rubbed his temples while he looked up at the clear sky.

Bethany came to his side and placed an arm around his waist and gave him a gentle squeeze.

"Let's go inside and talk." Beth suggested and they did. Both flanked Egypt on either side of the sofa.

"You guys are scaring me." Egypt admitted and Mason looked at him with such sad eyes.

"What's wrong. Mason? Beth?" Egypt looked between the two.

"It's Joshua..." Egypt's heart stopped for a second he'd swear as Mason takes a shaky breath. "He's missing."

"W-What?" Egypt stuttered looking wilding between Beth and Mason.

"What do you mean he's missing? We need to make a report or something. Have you guys looked for him? We need to start looking. He has to be somewhere. What if he's hurt or sick? Oh my God we have to find him." Egypt stood abruptly and started pacing. He was bordering hysterical as his voice rose higher with every word that left his lips.

"Beth and I made the report yesterday. It's been two days." Mason said and Egypt stopped and stared at him.

"Did you call him? I should call him." Egypt whipped his phone out of his pocket and dialed Joshua's number. It went straight to voicemail and he kept hitting the redial every time he was told by the automated voice that he's reached Joshua's voicemail box.

"Egypt." Mason stood and grabbed Egypt in a bear hug. Poor boy was shaking like a leaf, chest rising and falling with every labored breath he took.

"Breath Egypt. Slow and steady." Mason coached but Egypt wasn't listening. He couldn't hear anything over the roar of his blood in his ears. Dark spots danced in and out of his vision and he felt so dizzy. He felt the need to throw up. He wanted to jump in Joshua's car and scour every inch of the planet in search of Joshua.

Egypt started babbling. Hysterical again the more Joshua's number went to voicemail. He didn't even know what he was saying but he just wanted to hear Joshua's voice.

"Oh God Mason what if something happened to him?" Egypt asked looking up at the older man with deep fear shining in his eyes.

Mason looked down at the boy tethering in hysteria for the man he loves. Mason didn't know what to say to make Egypt calm down. The more he stared the harder his breaths came until Mason feared Egypt would pass out.

"I can't... I can't breathe Mason." Egypt choked out as he started clawing at his own throat.

"Breathe Egypt. Please breathe." Panic attack was the only explanation as Egypt started convulsing in Mason's arms.

Bethany was up in a second as they forced Egypt down to a sitting position.

"I... can't. I ...I can't. Joshua... Joshua..." tears slid down Egypt's cheeks the more he shook his head as if trying to dispel whatever he was thinking.

Until he passed out. Mason breathed deeply for a few moments trying to calm his own nerves.

"Let's put him to bed." Bethany suggested and Mason nodded in agreement.

What would happen when he woke up they didn't know but they'd support each other through it.



I am in hiding. You will never find me muahahahahaha!

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