Chapter Twenty-One

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                Egypt didn't know where else to go. He didn't want to home to his father's house and watch as the man try and fail to be an accepting father. Egypt knew deep down that his father hated him being gay and hated that he'd rather sing a love song than toss a ball around.

"Holy shit Egypt you scared me!" Mason had a hand against his chest in genuine fright. He didn't expect to find Egypt standing on his door step like a freaking creeper or something.

"Hey." Egypt tightened his hand on Jay's strap.

"Um..." Mason's eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. "You need something?" Mason asked and Egypt shrugged.

"Can I crash here?" Egypt asked and Mason nodded.

"Yea sure. I'm going out with Bethany. First date." Mason laughed and gestured to his well-dressed self. Egypt whistled loudly. Mason was dressed to kill. Soft jeans and neat button down and he had on dress shoes. Man he even smelled good with his hair combed properly and not sticking up every which way up.

Egypt smiled when he remembered the messages between himself and Bethany and her excitement for her date with Mason.

"Okay. You look good. But I should warn you as her best friend and honorary brother." Egypt leaned over and tip toed a bit to get right in Mason's face. "Hurt her in any way and I'll shove a dildo so far up your ass you'll be deep throating it, okay?" Egypt's voice was clear and with conviction.

Mason visibly shuddered and Egypt cast him a crooked smile. A little evil too and Mason gulped. He knew Egypt never made idle threats.

"Okay. I should have some old clothes in the guest room that'll fit you. Mi casa, es su casa and please respect said casa." Mason patted Egypt on the head and ran off after his phone pinged, no doubt a message from Bethany.

"Oh!" Mason ran back and shoved a few bills in Egypt's hand. "I don't have jack shit in there so grab some stuff." Then he was off running to his car again.

Egypt waved Mason off and went into the condo and placed Jay on the center table. Shower, food and sleep in that order.

Egypt turned on the stereo and connected his ipod into the aux for his tunes. He turned it up a little loud. Mason had one kick ass surround sound system in his house and Egypt absolutely loved it.

He found the clothes that looked like old stuff from Mason's teenage years and a couple of t shirts and jeans that were new and definitely purchased by someone that didn't know Mason's size.

"How does he even survive?" Egypt asked himself as he stared at the bare refrigerator; two eggs, a bottle of wine and a bunch of take-out containers.

Egypt emptied all the old food and surveyed Mason's shelf. He made mental notes of what he'd buy with the three hundred bucks Mason carelessly shoved in his hand earlier.

He walked to the store a few blocks away. It was one of those health stores that had lots of fresh produce and Egypt bought Mason's money's worth in groceries.

When he got back to the house he made some simple dishes that Mason can throw together for the next few days; a huge kit of mac and cheese, creamy potato salad and baked chicken. He ate a bit while humming to his songs.

Egypt's heart skipped a beat when the front door flew open with a bang and in came Joshua almost stumbling.

"Egypt?" Joshua squinted hard and Egypt slowly put his plate down. Joshua's eyes seemed to pin him in place.

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