Chapter Six What did I do

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Don't think, just run- Beth Crowley

    I was angry, and I think Roscoe knew it from the way I was beating this punching bag. It's probably why he stays back and watches from afar. He knew from last time when I was having a bad day. He just needs to give me space. Last time I may have given him a black eye. It's not my fault I mistook his face for the punch bag. Actually, yes, yes, it was. I knew his face wasn't the punching bag. I was just really mad. Really, really mad.

     And right now, you could say I'm really, really mad. I hit the bag punch after punch, throwing each one with all my strength. I imagined the bag being Dallas. Yes, he tried to talk to me again today. But instead of talking like the civil humans we are, he just said insults and called me out for 'wrecking his bike.' It wasn't even me, but I took the blame because I wasn't going to rat Sam out. What was the point anyway?

     He didn't hate his sister. If he would've known it was Sam that accidentally pushed it over, he would've been trying to kill her. Or maybe he would have succeeded. So I figured, why not take the blame since he already hates me and wants to kill me? He was pissing me off. I started throwing my punches harder, making the bag swing a little further back before it came back, and I could hit it again. This is how it went...

     I was walking through the hall with Sam, our arms hooked together as we got to my locker. People were whispering, and the only reason me and Sam were together this early was because she spent the night not wanting to go home and be murdered in her sleep. She was still nervous when we walked through the halls, but I think being with me made her confidence go up. "What do you think he's going to do to me?" She asked.

     "Shoot you, put you in a trash bag, and then dump you in a dumpster." I say, starting to put my lock combination in.

     "Not funny." She hissed.

     "No, that's not right." I tap my chin a few times, thinking. "He would wait till you went to sleep, slit your throat, and then throw you in a dumpster along with your bed sheets," I said as she pinched my arm. "Ow!" I exclaim. I hated being pinched. It's an awful feeling.

     "Not. Funny." She says, as suddenly the whole hallway went silent.

     "Satan's here." I said louder than I meant to. Sam tensed on my arm and sent me a glare. "What?" I whisper, shrugging. "It's true." I mumble.

     "Rex." I hear him growl behind me as Sam tightened her grip on my arm, digging her nails into my skin.

     "I'm losing blood flow in my arm," I said to Sam as she ignored me. "Fine, if they amputate my arm, I'm blaming you." She loosens her grip only slightly. Rolling my eyes, I turned around and faced him. "Satan."

     "I thought your nickname for him was Hazel." I hear Leo say from somewhere in the crowd. I mentally slap myself as people snicker.

     "He wasn't supposed to know that Leo." I grumble as Dallas's eyes seem to darken. As always. Nothing new here.

     "But it's what you called him yesterday." Leo continues. I searched the crowd looking for where he was. Where is that boy? Where is he? I'm gonna kill him.

     "Yeah, but not to his face." I point out.

     "I think Hazel is better than Satan though." Leo's voice says.

     "Leo, stop hiding, you big wuss." I say, searching for him still as the crowd snickered and snorted.

     "You." Dallas says and points at me.

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