Chapter Twenty-Five Where Ever No Where Is

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Chasing Cars- Snow Patrol

    School ended with me still beating the punching bag. I was sure I was here for at least a couple of hours after school ended. Now, I walked out the back stairs and stopped in the doorway when I saw it was pouring rain outside. The sky was dark from all the clouds and thunder rumbled through the sky. What's a little rain and thunder? I walk outside immediately getting hit by rain and see Dallas's car still in the parking lot. He was still in his car, but Sierra was there also and they were eating each other's faces again.

     Why were they still here? Was Dallas waiting for me? Why would he wait for me? He has Sierra. Sierra climbs onto his lap and intensifies their kiss. This was something I did not want to see. Why would I want to climb into a car with her, let alone trust Dallas to get me home safe while they're doing things like that? I would die in a matter of seconds. Why would he even wait for me? He should know that I wouldn't even think about getting in a car with him after everything today.

     His hazel eyes meet mine through his front windshield, but I just look up at the sky, turning and walking around the school building to the back of the school. I sit down against the wall not caring that I am getting soaked from the rain. I don't care that my hand is still bleeding. I don't care about anything. Sierra's words just seemed to echo around in my head. Why would Dallas tell her about that? I didn't even want him to know, let alone the whole school. But it's not like he cares anyway. He told me I ruined everything. And he's completely right.

     I do ruin everything. I ruin everything. I ruin lives. I ruin everyone's lives. Dallas, for once in his life, spoke the truth. Whether he wanted to say it or not, he said it. The problem is he's starting to say the truth too much. He told Sierra about what had happened to me. He told Sierra about it. That's my business, not hers, not anyone's. And knowing Sierra, why the fuck would he tell her something like that? Did I do something so wrong to him that I deserved this? What did I do to him that made him so angry at me?

     Hell, I do so much. Maybe I just can't remember. But still, he shouldn't have told her any of that. It's Sierra. I know by tomorrow, the whole school will know. It's just what version of it they'll hear I'm worried about. Why is Dallas even with her? I thought he didn't like her. In that car ride, he grabbed my hand and pretended to be with me. Why would he do that? Did he do it just to mess with my head? Well, it worked if that was his plan. So what's his plan now? To continue messing with my head? This is a bumpy roller coaster I don't want to be on.

     The rain made my hair stick to my face as my clothes stuck to my skin. I hated the feeling, but I didn't do anything about it. There was nothing I could do. I'm not getting in that car with Dallas. Getting soaked would be better than that car ride. Dying would be better. Anything would be better. Who in the right mind would be okay with riding in a car with those two? Everything you say would get twisted and spread all over the school. Everything. I sigh, shaking my head.

     I hear footsteps coming around the building and instantly, I'm on high alert. I can't stay here. I get up and run away from the school. I get to the street and I run past cars and houses. I didn't know where I was going now. I just knew that I was running away.

(Dallas POV)

     It's been hours since I watched Rex run away from me. I just watched her run through the rain, splashing puddles of water everywhere, but she didn't seem to care. She just kept running. The storm is getting worse outside, but I just watch from my apartment window. Archer, Leo, and Rocco were here while Eddie was out doing who knows what with who knows who. I stay by the window, watching the wind blow things around and the rain pours down.

     "The storm's getting worse." I mutter, watching everything.

     "She's not going to come here. You and me both know that Dallas." Archer says as I look at him.

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