Chapter Thirty-Nine Can't? Or won't?

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Tell me you love me- Demi Lovato

    "I still don't understand why you need to drink." I mutter as we get off his bike.

     "Just shush and stay with me."

     "No, no I'm gonna leave you and go up to some random guy and leave with him." I say sarcastically as he gives me a look.

     "That's not funny." He states before he starts walking and I follow.

     "Oh really? Wow, I thought it was hilarious." I roll my eyes and he gives me another look.

     "You can stop now." This boy doesn't understand, does he? I'm making it difficult for a reason. I don't want to be here, he knows I don't want to be here, but here I am. So I'm going to make this awful for him. I'm going to make him think this is the worst decision he's ever made. So yeah, I'm going to be sarcastic as hell. Just until he decides we should leave. If he ever decides that. It's Dallas, he's just as stubborn as I am. If he really wants this, he won't leave that easily. Ugh! Maybe I should just kill him and hide the body. I'd get away with it. I think.

     "Oh, I'm just getting started." I smile. He shakes his head.

     "I know what you're doing." He says. "And it's not going to work."

     "We'll see about that." I mutter as we get to the door with security guarding it. Dallas and the man do a handshake before the security guard opens the door for us, letting us in. Dang it. I was hoping he would stop us.

     "She's with me." Dallas says taking my hand. I try pulling away but he gives me a look and doesn't let go.

     "Oh, is this your girl?" The man asks as I feel my eye twitch. Again with 'his girl'. When will this end? Dallas nods as I bite my tongue, forcing myself not to blurt out something stupid. Trust me, I was about to.

     "Yes, this is her," Dallas says. "Can we go in?" The guard nods.

     "Just try not to cause any trouble." Dallas smiles.

     "Trouble? Me? Never." Dallas says, and the guard rolls his eyes before looking at me. He's looking at me? Cool, I think.

     "Make sure he doesn't get into trouble." He says.

     "Have you met him? Making sure he doesn't get into trouble is like making sure you don't guard this door." The guard pushes out his lips and nods.

     "Just, try to contain him. Just a little." He says as I give him a look.

     "I mean look at me and then look at him. Do you really think I could stop him if I tried?" This is a trick question. His answer will prove whether I like him or not. I know I can stop Dallas if I want to. Yes, there is a difference between us, he is more buff and built and I am skinnier, my muscles don't show much, but they are there. I stare the guard down eager to hear his answer as he suddenly smirks.

     "I don't know." He says. "But I've heard you have a killer right hook." I smile at the guard, taking a step closer to him.

     "Let me guess, David?"

     "He won't shut up about how you fought Boss." The guard says. So that's how Dallas knows this man. "And how you almost beat her." I shrug, shaking my head as his hand goes into his pocket.

     "I didn't almost beat her," I say honestly. "We were like equals. Every time one of us got knocked down we got back up. We both threw hard punches, we both fought to win." I kind of go into a daze talking about it. "She's tough. Really tough. I can see why she's the leader of your gang."

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