Chapter Forty Always Be Mine

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Monster- Imagine Dragons

    "Who knows? Maybe he's going to kill me." She said. I shook my head as my eyes find his name carved into my stomach. Why would he do this to me? Who is he? Who is Jay? I don't know a Jay, how did he know me?

     "Why would he kidnap you and then kill you? He's been more focused on me than he has been on you. And then you do one thing and he wants to kill you." I shook my head again looking up at the door I could never get to, or open. He'll be back any moment.

     "None of this makes any sense. Why blindfold me and not you? Why mess with you and not me? Not that I mind, no offense."

     "None taken," I muttered. "If I were you, I wouldn't want him messing with me either. I don't want him messing with me."

     "Maybe once I'm out there, I can get free, go for help." She said. Go for help? She would just leave me here? Well, what would I do if I were her? I don't know.

     "What happened back there?" I asked, curiosity beating me.

     "One of the ropes that tied my wrist to the arm of the chair snapped." She explained. "I was trying to get free, but he got here and he tied my wrist back down."

     "Oh." Was all I could think of saying. What was I supposed to say? Tough luck? Better luck next time? Neither of us know if there would even be a next time or not. He's taking her when he gets back. Maybe I'll see her. Maybe she'll see me. Maybe we'll see each other. Then I'll finally know what she looks like, and she'll know what I look like. I hear the lock un click and my heart starts beating faster. I was scared, scared for her. What was he going to do to her? Was he going to hurt her? Why would he hurt her and not me? But Ryder, he has hurt you.

     The door doesn't open for some reason. Instead, I heard the faint sound of footsteps walking away. Where was he going? "Ryder?" Blake asked as I stared at the door waiting. Waiting for the door to open. Waiting for Jay to come in. Why didn't he come in? "Ryder what's going on? Did he leave?" I shake my head still staring, still waiting.

     "He didn't come in," I said with narrow eyes as I tilted my head to the side a little. "He unlocked the door, he just didn't come in." So, why didn't Jay come in?

     "Maybe that's a good thing." She said. "It gives us more time to think. To plan."

     "To plan what?" I asked looking away from the door, trying not to move my sore back too much, and trying to keep my eyes off the table of knives. I held in a tired yawn. "There's nothing to plan. There's nothing to do."

     "Don't say that." She said.

     "It's true," I stated. "We're both tied up. We're both unable to see each other for some strange reason. We're both in this room. He's coming whenever he comes and he's going to take you. There's nothing to do."

     "There's gotta be something. I know there's something we can do."

     "Like what?" I asked, almost annoyed for some reason. Well, I mean, wouldn't you be annoyed? She's been asking me questions I obviously don't know the answers to. I mean, seriously, how am I supposed to know anything? She's been giving me false hope, telling me we can get out of here. I know that's a complete lie. We can't get out of here. We'll be here until he doesn't want us anymore, and then he'll either kill us both, or he'll keep us here forever. Slowly killing us without killing us. She's telling me not to think the way I'm thinking- okay I admit that one isn't that bad, but still.

     "I don't know, Ryder." She said sighing. I do the same and look down at my feet, ignoring everything else around me. Ignoring his name carved into my skin. Ignoring how weak I feel. How weak I'm getting. I can barely continue to stand on my own, all the blood I'm losing, all the food I haven't eaten, all the drinks I haven't drank. It's all making everything so much harder. The chains on my wrists are doing most of the work already. What would he do if I couldn't hold myself up anymore? Would he let me down? "We just have to do something. Maybe when I'm out there I can fight, I can escape. I can get help."

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