Chapter Sixty-One Refresh My Memory

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Emergency- James Arthur

      "We have to go back to that club tonight." Dylan says excitedly as he shuffles through the money he won last night. Apparently, as I fought, he, Thomas, Carl, and Joey placed bets on who would win. Thomas bet against me, so now he's moping around in a corner somewhere but Dylan and Joey bet for me. Sucks to be Carl and Thomas. They lost a lot of their money. Well, it's not my problem. They should have bet for me, those little sexist bastards. I don't understand why Thomas bet against me. He saw how I beat up his friend. Anyway, his funeral.

     I put my money in a shoe box under my bed, so hopefully, no one can find it. I'm saving my money for something important that may or may not ever happen. I give a short laugh looking at Dylan as he smells the money. "I usually take a couple of days off after a fight," I say. "Otherwise, I'm not giving myself a good chance to heal properly."

     "So when is the next chance you can go back there?" He asks and I shrug as we both hear footsteps and Dylan quickly puts the money in his pocket and I turn on the tv pretending to be watching it. Dylan points at the tv as Rocco enters the room. "This movie is so stupid. You can clearly tell that's a girl and not a guy." I gasp.

     "This movie is the greatest movie ever," I say, slapping him. "And it's a movie. Besides, if we didn't know that she was dressing up as a boy so she could join the boy's soccer team, then we wouldn't know that she's a she. It shows us that she's a she, so we know." Dylan clicks his tongue and shakes his head, pointing a finger at me.

     "Even if it didn't show us, she was dressing up like a man, I could still clearly tell she is a girl." Dylan argues.

     "If so, can you clearly tell that I'm a man in disguise?" I ask, and he raises an eyebrow narrowing his eyes at me.

     "You're not-" He studies me closely. "You can't be." He leans slightly closer. "But you-" he tilts his head to the side.

     "Exactly." I say, scooting back and looking at the tv screen again.

     "Don't worry, Dylan. She's a she. Not a man." Rocco says.

     "You wouldn't know," I mumble, not taking my eyes off the screen. 'She's the Man' is a great movie.

     "I bet I know a way to find out." Dylan says and I look at him with narrow eyes to see a mischievous smirk. Why do I suddenly get a bad feeling?

     "What are you talking about?" I ask wearily, watching his smirk grow. I give a quick, uneasy glance to Rocco before facing the tv screen and staring at it.

     "Okay, since you guys are here, are either of you ready to tell me where you were last night?" Rocco asks and I freeze, looking at Dylan seeing him tense, his smile gone. I shake my head and relax my body.

     "Out," I shrug. "I needed to get out of the house and Dylan and Thomas saw that, so they took me out. Didn't I tell you this last night when we came in?"

     "Yes," Rocco says. "but I know what your version of 'out' means. We're supposed to be laying low. We can't afford to have people see you and tell someone." My eyes widen as I look at Dylan to see him giving me the same wide-eyed look. We slowly look away from each other and I try to calm my rapidly beating heart. What I did last night was anything but laying low. Everyone that was there heard my name and yelled my name. Rumors could be going around right now telling people I was there at the club and those rumors could get around to someone higher up, like Blake or Felix. For some reason, I punch Dylan.

     "Oops." I mutter under my breath. Rocco tenses and steps toward me.

     "Oops? What do you mean 'oops'?" Rocco asks and I curse under my breath. How could I have been so stupid last night? Oh, God, what did I do?

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