Chapter Forty-Four Running Out Of Time

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God's Plan- Drake

     "Three minutes until what?" He asks angrily as it sounds like he was putting something on.

     "Three minutes before this whole place blows." I say as Sam shivers and I look around the room I'm in.

     "That's not funny." He says in a cold voice. I shake my head checking the time on my phone again.

     "Dallas, I'm not joking. We have two minutes." I say, my voice full of fear. I know he heard it.

     "Then what are you still doing in there? Get the hell out of there."

     "Your entire gang is in here. I can't just leave them. They have to get out too. I'm not leaving without them." I say stubbornly. If they die, I die... I guess.

     "Ryder! Don't be stupid now, you need to get the hell out of there."

     "Not unless you tell me how to get everyone else out first," I say as I look back to Sam. She can't stay here. "Sam, go." I say taking the phone slightly from my ear. Her mouth drops.

     "Rex, I'm not-"

     "I'll get out before it's too late just go," I say as she gives me a look. "Sam, get the fuck out of here now." I growl. She hesitates but nods climbing out the window.

     "Just get out of here okay?" She asks and I nod before she runs off.

     "Now tell me." I say, pacing back and forth in the room.

     "There's a button in the hallway. It's next to a bathroom and it's at the very end of the hall. The button is surrounded by glass and you need a key to open it." He says quickly as I hear something shut on his end. A car door? Probably.

     "I don't need a key." I say before walking out of the room and running down the hall. There is a turn so I follow it going as fast as I can.

     "Just get-" I hang up on him before shoving my phone into my pocket as I come to the end of the hall, but it split off two different ways. Which way? God Damnit! I'm running out of time! I turn right and I start sprinting.

(Samantha aka Sam's POV)

     I wait in front of the house, just waiting for something to happen. I am worried out of my mind. I am so worried I was about to have a mental breakdown. Where the hell is she? Why is it taking so long? This house can blow at any second and she's still in there. I know it's only been about a couple of seconds but my heart is racing making it feel like forever. Why the hell did I leave? I shouldn't have left her alone in there I should be with her right now. Gosh, I'm so stupid. This is all my fault. If she dies, it'll be my fault.

     It was my idea to not think, I just didn't think it would go this far. I didn't think not thinking would be such a bad thing. I didn't know we would do anything bad. I didn't know Ryder not thinking was bad. I didn't know any of this was bad. Why the hell did I come up with that stupid idea? Who decided just to have a day where you don't think? Why the hell would anyone do that? We robbed a store. Yeah, I followed along with it. I thought it wouldn't be too bad.

     "I'm so stupid." I say aloud, forming my hand into a fist and hitting myself in the head. Why the hell did I do this? I could have just killed Ryder. I will never forgive myself if Ryder dies in there. God, what the hell was I thinking? You weren't thinking Sam, that's the problem. You weren't thinking. I shake my head and start pacing in front of the building, waiting and still waiting. I've been waiting for what seems like forever. The time could be up any second now and everyone is still in there and there's nothing I can do.

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