Chapter Seventy-Four She'll Be Here

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I'll Fight- Daughtry

(John's- Ryder's Dad- POV)

     I check my watch one last time before I enter the courthouse. If Ryder doesn't show, this is going to get bad. I might lose her forever. I don't even know why Cynthia is doing this. Cynthia was fine with Ryder living with me before. Why did she decide to start this all now? Cole died, yes, but that doesn't mean she just gets to come here and take Ryder from me too. I know I work a lot, I know I can get angry, but all people have emotions at some point in their life. Everyone gets mad, and everyone works. It's how you survive in this world.

     The sayings are true, 'It's the survival of the fittest,' or 'only the strong survive,' or even 'the world is no place for the weak.' It's sad to say we live in a world like this but is true. It's the world we live in. We have to adjust to the world. We have to change to survive. Some people live, they succeed, some people adjust just enough to be acceptable, and others, other people die. It's just how the world works. You have to have something, someone that's worth living, fighting for. The someone for me is my daughter. If Cynthia takes my daughter from me, what do I have to live for?

     I walk through the doors and look around the inside. The walls were a tan brown color, and the lobby was wide and full of empty space. I spot Cynthia coming out of the bathroom and walk over to Jim. I sigh, forcing myself to look away from them and focus on everything around me. I don't like that guy. Jim. There's something about him that just seems off. Cynthia hadn't even thought of taking Ryder from me until she met him, so what's his interest in my daughter? Was it his idea to just randomly decide to take my daughter from me, or was it planned out?

     I walk toward the side wall and I lean against it checking my watch again. I know I told Dallas what time to get her here, but it still worries me, knowing Ryder. I know the courthouse is probably the last place she wants to be, but the thing is, I'm here and it's the last place I want to be. If I can be here, so can she. We can make it through this together, but only together. I can't make it through this alone. I don't know how she would expect me to. Sighing, I put my wrist back down and cross my arms over my chest. She better be here, otherwise, we're screwed.

     I feel eyes on me, but I don't look, already knowing who it is. I don't care. They can stare at me all they want. They can talk about me all they want. I'm not going to say anything to them. I'm just going to stand here and show them that I am stronger than they think I am. Cynthia was never like this before. She was always the nice one. Everyone always talked about how sweet she was. What did Jim do to her? What did Jim do to Cynthia? How could he do this to her? She never raised her voice, and she never held anger in her eyes. That day at the diner. I knew she had changed because she did those two things.

     Jim did something to Cynthia, and sooner or later, I'm going to find out what it is, and I'm going to hurt him. Cynthia never had a mean bone in her body. Then Jim came. He changed everything. He changed her. I hear a door open, and I look, seeing my lawyer walk in. He spots me and sighs in relief as he heads toward me and stands beside me. "Thank God you're here." He says. "Is your daughter here yet too?" I shake my head.

     "Not yet," I say. "But she'll be here. I know she will. And her- friend?- is supposed to bring her on time. I trust him, he's a good guy and he'll get her here." My lawyer nods and holds his files closer to his chest.

     "Good, because it's necessary for your daughter to be here. If she doesn't show, we'll have to fight hard if you want to keep your daughter."

     "I do," I say. "And don't worry. She'll be here." My lawyer nods again, and I glance at my watch. At least I hope she shows up because my lawyer's right; we need her and her to be here soon.

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