New Beginnings

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**Sorry for the long wait, but I did tell you guys if you were impatient readers to wait to read this book as this one is not my priority right now. But, nonetheless, I hope you enjoy this chapter!**

Poppy's Outfit: 

Poppy's Outfit: 

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Poppy's POV

None of us moved as we continued to stare one another down. I knew they could smell my fear. It permeated the air around us as it poured out of my body in thick waves. When they all caught the scent, their mouths quirked up into vicious smiles that indicated this wasn't going to end well for me if I didn't get the hell out of here.

I took two deep breaths in before breaking into a sprint for my car. They followed seconds later. My heart was pounding in my chest as I reached my door seconds before they did and managed to lock myself in before they could grab me. Tears began pouring down my face as I started the car. I saw the biggest of the five cock his fist back to break my window. I screamed before slamming my foot down on the accelerator while throwing the car into reverse.

My tires squealed as I sped off from the parking lot as fast as I could. I only briefly looked back to see the man lying on the ground grasping his foot.

Holy crap, did I run him over?

The thought bounced around in my head for the next ten minutes as the speedometer pushed towards 95 miles an hour. I began laughing hysterically as I glanced behind me every few seconds with the realization that I just saved myself from my impending death. All on my own.

"I did it! I did it! Oh my God, I did-" I started screaming before the familiar sound of police sirens began blaring behind me as the red, white, and blue lights began flashing. "-it. No! C'mon, please no!" I started to yell before slowing my car and pulling to the side of the road. That's when I began to panic. I was still only about two, maybe two and a half, hours away from my old pack. This was not nearly enough distance to give me peace of mind.

When I saw the officer approaching my vehicle I rolled down the window and peered up at him.

"Ma'am, do you know how fast you were going."

"I know I was going thirty miles over the speed limit, but I swear to God I have a good reason," I plead, willing for him to believe me. He cocked a brow before examining my face closely. I'm assuming that he saw the tear stains on my face because his eyebrows furrowed with worry.

"Is everything alright ma'am?" He asked.

"No, about fifteen minutes ago five men ambushed me at the gas station. I was really scared, as you can imagine, and I just want to get to where I'm going, sir," I insisted, giving him my best sincere look. He scratched the side of his beard before leaning back on his heels and examining the road around us.

"Hold on just a minute. I'm going to check on something in my car, but if you drive off I will catch you and you won't like the consequences, is that clear?" He asked sternly. I nodded frantically, just wanting to cooperate so that I could get out of here and back on the road.

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