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**Hey guys! Here's the next update for ya'll. We get to see some major connections between Knox and Poppy and I'm v excited and I hope you guys love it!**

Poppy's POV

It was the next morning and I had awoken bright and early. Well, sort of.

I've never been a morning person, but when Knox mind-linked me at eight the next morning saying he'd be finished with my new drywall in about an hour I was far too excited to even think about sleep. I immediately shot up from my bed and threw on a pair of clothes with Knox's sweater overtop and rushed out of the pack house. I was going on day two wearing it, but I couldn't care less. It was warm and comfortable, and I liked it.

Throwing my front door open, I was absolutely shocked at how different the place appeared. It already looked 100 times better than it did the day before. An involuntary giggle of happiness bubbled from my chest as I continued turning in circles to inspect every inch. I was caught off guard when Knox joined me in the living room, looking tired and dirty. I gasped at the bags under his eyes, but blushed furiously when my own traveled downward to take in his naked chest.

How in the world was he not freezing to death??

"This is incredible, Knox. I have no idea how to thank you!" I gushed before charging him and enveloping him in a hug - well, the version of a hug I could manage without him leaning down - without even thinking. His entire body tensed up at my embrace, so I started to pull away. He stopped me almost immediately by wrapping his massive arms around my frame and pulling me up and into his chest.

I felt a little uncomfortable for a few passing seconds before giving in and relaxing into his hold. The hug carried on longer than could be considered friendly, but I didn't mind. It almost felt, dare I say it, nice to be in his arms. I let my head angle to the side and rest against his upper chest as his smell - musk and rain - overwhelmed my senses.

I was enjoying the moment until his face maneuvered into the crook of my neck - a highly intimate embrace that I'd only ever seen fully-mated couples engage in. My body froze before I abruptly shoved him away from me with a little difficulty. He didn't seem to want to drop his arms from my waist, but I wasn't giving him an option.

"U-um, how much else needs to be replaced before I can start painting?" I asked, a quiver to my voice as I avoided eye contact.

"I replaced everything that needed to be last night and this morning, but the roof needs to be completely redone. In hindsight, I probably should've done that first," He gruffly replied. My shock at his statement caused me to forget my discomfort as my eyes snapped to his.

"Everything? How?" I blanched.

"I worked through the night," he stated simply, confirming my earlier suspicion about his exhausted eyes.

"Don't do that again," I reprimanded, thinking about his health.

"I'm fine," he replied curtly, brushing off my concern.

"No, you're not. Your body can't function properly without at least some sleep," I shot back, not backing down from the matter. I felt horrible knowing he was probably bone-tired because he was helping me.

"I'm fine!" He snarled, a deep and feral growl reverberating from his chest due to his anger. I backed off instantly, taking an unconscious step back from fear. His eyes had taken an animalistic hue. That combined with the intense waves of power he was giving off was enough to really scare me.

I didn't speak, afraid to anger him further. I kept my head down in a show of submission, hoping he'd calm down enough so I could nicely tell him to leave. When the aura around him didn't change, and instead he took a step closer to me, I had to fight to keep my whimper of fear from escaping. Just from the tension in the room, I could tell that his wolf had taken over his human form and was now in control. I squealed when he grasped my hair in his hand before roughly yanking my head back and to the side to expose my neck. I felt my chest begin to rack from withheld sobs of terror.

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