Ignored Cries

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**Here's the next update guys! Chapter 14 is now on Inkitt and it is STEAMY. Link to it in my bio!! Also, if you leave a comment on inkitt know that I DO read them, but there's no way for me to reply to them!! Thank you for your continued support!**

Poppy's POV

I couldn't stop myself from pathetically crying at the situation I'd gotten myself into. I was trapped as my leg had gotten stuck in the hole that had broken open on the stairs and I also had a few larger chunks of the broken lumber spearing my leg. Every time I moved, they dug deeper into my leg and caused more blood to gush out. The pain was horrible, though I tried my best to block it out.

"HELP!" I screamed uselessly, though still praying that someone - anyone - was nearby and would hear me.

Knox? Are you there? I need help. I mind-linked desperately. I waited a few minutes, but there was no response. I tried again a few more times - unsuccessfully - before hysteria began to set into my mind. Why isn't he answering me?!

Thankfully, the bleeding had stopped, but I was still stuck and in a lot of pain. I had no one else to call besides Knox, Grace, or Jason. They were the only ones in the pack that I knew enough to call for, yet two of them were busy at work and the other was simply ignoring me for whatever reason.

I don't understand what happened...

I'd given up and had let myself succumb to my pathetic tears as a harsh sob of pain and fear wracked through my chest mere seconds before I heard the familiar noise of tires crunching on gravel. I instantly perked up and wiped the fallen droplets of water from my cheeks.

"Help! Help me!" I cried out while waving my hands hysterically, the large car coming into perfect view. The second the driver spotted me, they sped the car up before quickly hopping out and running for me.

"Poppy, what the hell have you done?!" Corbin hollered before squatting down next to my leg to examine the damage.

"The wood is old and rotted. I wasn't thinking or being careful and fell through. It really hurts and I can't move without making it worse," I winced as he slightly shifted the wood around to see if there was an easy way of getting me unstuck.

"I'm going to have to cut the wood piece by piece to try and wedge you out. Just wait here for a second," he insisted before running around my house to what I assumed was the shed. He returned seconds later with an old hand saw before starting to cut away. I felt my heart stop as he got extremely close to my flesh with the blade, but chose to trust him as I squeezed my eyes shut when my stomach rolled.

I knew the second I was released as the pressure in my leg let up immediately.

"Okay, you should be alright. We need to get you to the pack infirmary to check out those cuts and make sure no bacteria got inside," he insisted before helping me hobble along to his car. I flushed with embarrassment when remembering that I was wearing just a t-shirt - which clearly belonged to a very large man and reeked of Knox's scent - though Corbin didn't say anything or seem to be affected at all.

I couldn't help the whine that flew from my mouth as we hit a particularly large pothole on the way back that caused my leg to jarr.

"What were you even doing outside in the first place, Poppy?" Corbin asked in a chastising manner.

"I was, um, just getting some fresh air. I didn't really think my steps would go out from under me," I lied.

"Well, that's what you get for being so careless and naive," he snorted before rolling his eyes at me. I looked away while staying silent, feeling like I'd just been scorned by my father.

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