Oh, What Big Eyes You Have!

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**I'm very sorry for neglecting you all by postponing this update for literally all day. Today was my - wait for it - eighth eight hour day in a row working and tomorrow is the ninth :-). Safe to say I'm exhausted and just want to sleep but plz enjoy this unedited chapter.**


Poppy's POV

My entire body was paralyzed with fear as the most monstrous wolf I've ever seen in my life stepped into the small clearing where I was laying battered and in pain.

I've seen those yellow eyes before.

I couldn't breathe. I couldn't move. I couldn't think.

The wolf forced a breath of air out through his nose, as if trying to get my attention. My body shook like a leaf as I kept my eyes firmly set at the monsters feet, terrified to meet its eyes. If he took it as a challenge of its dominance, I would be ripped to shreds in seconds - no doubt. When my eyes wander upwards slightly, I got an eyeful of what hung between his legs. Jesus Christ, definitely a male.

With every step the beast took, the ground minutely shook under his paws. My breathing grew loud and labored until he was just a hair's breadth away from me. I could feel his warm breath washing over me with each exhale. When I felt his wet nose press into my cheek, an accidental whimper escaped my lips. He seemed to ignore my slip up and began to sniff near my open wound.

I thought I was going to have a brain aneurysm when I felt his wet tongue begin to gently lap against the tender torn skin of my forehead. I didn't dare move a muscle, or even blink, as he continued to clean my open wound.

Once done, he started sniffing down my body until he reached my now double-in-size ankle. I let my body relax just the tiniest bit when I came to the conclusion that it didn't appear as if he wanted to hurt me. I was also able to process the fact that he didn't smell like a rogue either - which meant he had to be another member of the pack.

"I-I can't move. It's too swollen." I rasped out, my voice just barely above a whisper. He made another noise, almost as if acknowledging what I'd said. He looked around the clearing for a few seconds before using his head to shove my body to the ground. I made a squeak of surprise before he pushed his snout at my side to forcefully roll me onto my stomach. I was utterly confused as to what was going on, but immediately grew angry when I felt him prod his head around my sex between my legs.

Without thinking, I whipped my hand back and smacked his snout. "Hey!" I yelled. I'm sitting here injured and he's trying to cop a feel?

He growled at me in warning before shoving his head up under my pelvis in a single go before slowly sliding his body along the underside of my own. Realization dawned on me when I was now perfectly straddling his monstrous body while tightly gripping his fur in my hands. I was enamored with how high up I was perched on his back. I had to be at least seven, eight feet off the ground. I squeezed my eyes shut and buried my face into his fur while trying to calm my queasy stomach.

The slow movement with each step he took caused pain to radiate through my ankle and down into my foot. I bit into the inside of my cheek to stop from screaming out, just biding my time until he let me down once again.

What felt like an eternity later, he stopped and released an ear-shattering howl into the air. Members came rushing out of the pack house, making me wish the ground would open up and swallow me whole as their gazes moved from the beast I was currently riding, to my pain-laced face.

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