Dinner Gone Wrong

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**Hey ya'llllll. Here's chapter 16! For those who are on inkitt, chapter 17 is already uploaded as we speak. I'm currently on winter break right now (finally) so the next three weeks I'm going to do my best to finish this story. If that does end up happening, it could potentially mean weekly uploads instead of bi-weekly uploads!! There's not much left I have to write (because I already have up to chapter 21 written, so I think this book will end up being about 25 chapters in total...maybe lol). Hope you guys enjoy this chapter!!** 

Poppy's POV

I wandered through the adorable little cottage Knox and I had been inhabiting for the past few days. I'd grown quite fond of its fairytale-esque feel and appearance, almost like it was something out of a Disney story. It was similar to my own place in size, maybe a little bigger. The main difference was that it wasn't crumbling to the ground and the inside had already been completely updated to mirror the more modern appeal of most people today.

I had a feeling of unease in my stomach, something that I'd learned was constant whenever Knox wasn't close enough to me for my wolf's liking. We'd both grown highly...clingy and dependent on Knox, but as much as I wanted to be annoyed by it, I wasn't. That was mainly because Knox was the exact same, if not worse. The thing was, we depended on each other to make up for our own shortcomings. I wasn't surprised that our personalities seemed to be perfectly matched.

For example, Knox had an awful temper that I had no problem calming. I was forgetful and often misplaced things I needed while he had an incredible memory and always knew where the things I needed were. I was a great cook but was awful at hunting and gathering - something Knox had proven thus far to be highly gifted at. And that was just to name a few. We complimented each other in the best of ways, making me so thankful to have been guided to him by fate.

I wandered into the living room and pushed back the curtains, letting the light filter into the room and brighten the entire space. I winced at the brightness at first before my eyes adjusted. My newly heightened senses were something I was still getting used to.

Once my eyes stopped burning, I sighed happily while looking around - still shocked that this place was actually all Knox's. The look of the cottage didn't seem like anything he would inhabit in a million years - which makes sense why he used to avoid it and just slept in wolf form in the woods. Well, that is until I showed up. He'd told me all about this place after I came to a few days ago. Apparently, it belonged to a female wolf in this pack. She ended up relocating after finding her match and mating in the neighboring pack. This place was the most clean-kept and also farthest from everyone else in the pack, making sense to me why Knox took it.

I heard the front door open as he came in with at least fifty different paper bags. My eyes widened in shock as I surveyed all the food.

"Did you think we were feeding an army?" I giggled while taking some of the bags from him and setting them on the kitchen counter. He'd gone to the little pack grocery store - if you would even call it that, It was just a simple building with a wide array of food that pack members were welcome to come and take as they pleased - in order to stock the fridge and cabinets of this place. He just smirked and winked at me, choosing not to respond to my goading.

"Knox, I've been thinking," I started as we worked together to put all the food away in its respective place. He hummed in response for me to continue. "What if we just stayed here?" I asked. He put down the gallon of milk he was holding and turned to look at me.

"What do you mean?" He asked. I could see he knew what I meant, but wanted me to elaborate further.

"Well, over the past few days we've spent here I've grown quite fond of this place. It wouldn't need any work, unlike my own cabin which is still basically falling apart. It's the perfect size for us. It's got a couple extra bedrooms for when we decide to start having pups," I explained, watching as a fire ignited in his eyes at the mention of us trying for a baby. He licked his lips before prowling towards me like a predator does its prey. I didn't move a single inch, wanting nothing more than for him to catch me.

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